did you even read the post?!?!?!?!?!?!
the request was a clay tea pot. not the porcelain crap you posted. gtfo
If you’re looking for great quality pots with nice clay I’d recommend Essence of Tea. Yes they are pricy but their selection of aged factory 1 pots from the 80s-90s is solid and much better than most anything modern. Having spent quite awhile falling down the Yixing rabbit hole in search of a perfect pot for puerh I wish I could go back and tell myself to invest in the best possible quality pot I could afford instead of multiple cheaper ones that sit unused. I can also recommend most of the pots from Chawangshop. Yunnan Sourcing has a few decent options for very affordable prices(This is where I started) but don’t expect top notch clay(or anything close) for $40 or $50. Anyways hope this was helpful! Update us on your decision.
I have bought many pots from a seller on EBay called Missteapots and she has always sent me nice Yixing pots with a very nice case/box, a teapot wrap, a tea towel, and one or two other extras.
That looks like a great seller. I love that she posts photos of the artist who makes the pot and studio information. The care package of box, tea cloth and bag are really nice additions too! I am very tempted to ask for one for my birthday!
I am expecting a very nice 100ml pot from her next week if it finally clears the ISC.
I carry several Yixing (and other) pots on my site and take the extra step of actually trying out one of each pot to see what they work with, and how well they work, before deciding to offer them!
Thanks for all the replies so far. I’m going to look around a bit and I will update you when I made my choice!
Hi Liesah! In case you are still looking for a teapot, we carry a Yixing ZiSha purple clay teapot.
Hope you find what you are looking for!
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