What brand of tea do you buy the most?
Once again, just curious to know what everyone is drinking & addicted to.
A little over a year ago my quest for fresh loose leaf tea led me to the wonderful world of the internet & I landed on the Adagio Tea site. I tend to order a lot from them as I’m in a one day shipping zone. This is truly an advantage when I am running low on Forest Berries. And a big shout out to Adagio Tea….they offer the best customer service in my opinion!
I also seem to stock up on a lot of Bigelow teas. Mostly to be able to make a quick cuppa tea at work.
Since joining this site (thanks Raul for the invite) I have been looking to try other brands of teas. I’d like to get a good sense of what is out there.
I placed an order today with California Tea House thanks to the reviews on here. There were a few reviews I read that made me check out the site. Golden Monkey Paw really made me laugh. The name is just too funny. I’m looking forward to tasting it & finding out the reviews were right.
So where is your tea collection mostly purchased from?
Since I subscribe to 52Teas, I guess 52Teas would have to be my answer.
I order from all over the place, Adagio (also in the one day delivery zone), Teas, Etc., Teavivre, Tea and Jazz House, 52Teas, yeah I’m all over the map with my ordering.
I started off with Teavana…then realized quickly that it was not the best and was overly priced. The next place was Adagio Tea, which I grew to love. I purchased a lot of sample packs. After that was Samovar,Red Blossom Tea and Davids Tea. This was when I stopped using sugar in my teas and started drinking them straight. After that it was other tea companies that I bought one or two teas from. I joined Steepter Select in July and have been exposed to tea companies that I did not know existed.
The past two to three months I have been on an Asha tea house and Verdant teas kick. Asha for oolong, and Verdant for the blends, greens and an intro to pu’er. My pu’er experience has not been good before Verdant. They scare me….lol. But so far with Verdant it has been good.
David’s Tea is the bulk of my collection, but I have loads of everything. 52Teas is a good chunk, local tea shops are another. I have only a few Verdant Teas, but I want more. Love it all!
Harney & Son’s and Upton Tea Imports. There are several more, but these two are where I do the bulk of my tea shopping.
Wow! Love all the replies so far. Looks like I’m not the only tea drinker on a mission to try them all.
Andrews and Dunham and Teavana. I started out with Teavana, and then fell in love with Andrews and Dunham (the tins! awesomeness personified!) Luckily their tea is as good as their tins, since I’ve gotten all of the recently available series (Elf Help remains to be mine, but it will be! Oh yes it will).
My first tea adventures started at Adagio and then slowly but steadily spread to Specialteas (RIP), Teavana, 52teas, a bunch of local places, and a recent first order from David’s Tea. Verdant is on my radar for my next purchase! : )
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