Oregon Chai concentrate - something similar in a loose leaf?
Hi guys!
I recently tried the Oregon Chai Concentrate which was DELICIOUS. I’d like to find a naturally caffeine-free looseleaf (rooibos, honeybush, etc) that tastes similar. Any recs?
Have you tried their rooibos version? It is pretty good. (not loose leaf, I know)
They also make teabag versions of their concentrates.
Not the specific help you asked for, but just more options from the same company.
uhhh…on second thought, maybe they do not offer the Rooibos one anymore. I just checked their website, and it is not listed. They used to offer it. It was good. Sorry.
spot52 – wow, thanks for the rec even if it didn’t work out! All I had ever seen at the store was the concentrate, so I hadn’t thought to try to find their site about their own looseleaf.
Too bad about their rooibos. That sounds like it would have been perfect. I can’t have caffeine, and I really love that chai.
If you’re looking for that chai taste without the caffeine, you could just skip tea and rooibos all together and boil chai spices in half water/half milk + sugar/honey/agave/etc. Boil the spices for at least five minutes (basically, as long as you can stand it); if you’re afraid of scalding the milk, then boil the spices in just water for a long time, add milk, and bring it up to a boil again with whatever sweetner you chose.
That way, you can make a chai blend that’s perfect for you and exactly what you want or to suit your mood. Really cold out? add more ginger and pepper. Feeling less spicy? Double up on cinnamon and cut out pepper all together. Don’t care for anise? don’t add any.
I tried to look up Oregon Chai’s ingredients for you, but all they say are generic
“organic* spices, ginger, organic* vanilla, organic* natural flavors” So no luck.
I do know that Oregon Chai’s signature thing is to have a lot of vanilla flavoring, so you could recreate that by liberally adding vanilla extract or using vanilla soymilk, etc.
If you do go for straight spices, I’d suggest getting them from Monterrey Spice. Then you’ll have the spices around the house for cooking and baking, too, and at a significantly lower price than you’d get in stores.
Traditional inclusions:
(Cardamum is usually dominant: get decordicated cardamum (out of the pod) and don’t add a lot.. the pods basically just look pretty, but don’t give a ton of flavor unless you boil the dickens out of them)
allsplice, etc
If that’s a little too involved, then there are many companies (or tea houses) out there that offer herbal chai-spice blends. I’ve only tried one of those recently that I really liked, from Verdant Tea’s Alchemy line. It’s not exactly the same as Oregon Chai, so it won’t fulfill that wish, but when I boil the spices with milk as described above, it’s the best chai I’ve tried: http://verdanttea.com/shop/alchemy-label-blended-tea/chai-spice/
Rooibos chai is definitely easy to make, if you can gather up the whole spices. I recommend an Indian/Asian grocery. Here’s a rough recipe that I use, just use rooibos instead of darjeeling: http://steepster.com/VegTea/posts/48677
Rooibos is extra nice because you don’t have to worry about it getting bitter if you steep it too long.
Can’t personally suggest any caffeine-free rooibos that tastes similar to Oregon Chai because I haven’t tried it yet, but check out these caffeine-free chais:
Kenya Chai by Zhi Tea, Rooibos Decaf Chai by White Heron Tea, Red Bush Chai by The Tao of Tea, West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
Well, it may be a bit different but oregon just released bagged chai in yerba mate and rooibos versions as well as assam. I don’t know how their chai is but most health food stores have the spices to make your own and some bulk premixed chai masala.
Kteas has a chai spice mix with /o tea or rooibos in it.
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