Black tea vs Green tea
Black tea is a kind of popular tea with special flavor, and green tea is more healthier than black tea. I wonder whether green tea lover is more than black tea lover. For me, I prefer black tea.
It depends on the variety of course. I prefer many individual black teas over green teas, but on the whole prefer green teas.
I love green teas & shou puer.
Black(red) tea is stronger on my stomach than I would prefer, so it is a tea type that I drink the least of.
I love black teas more than any other. It has a strong flavor that always keeps me alert, active, and refreshed.
I like (or tolerate) most black teas I’ve tried. I like some green teas, but there are many I don’t like. I can’t even drink green teas that have very strong vegetal flavors – I had one about a week ago that truly tasted like hot spinach juice. I like spinach fine, but not as a drink. :)
I like the flavors of black tea more than green tea, particularly malty or chocolate flavors. that said I do love a good cup of sencha every now and then
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