I bought the tea
I bought the cheapest tea from that web, I just post yeaterday. http://www.per-tea.com/ It seem quite credible. Bless me.
Just took a look at that website. Doesn’t look like cheap tea at all. 500g of Dragon Balls for $160. I don’t call that cheap. I bought the black tea dragon balls from Yunnan Sourcing and they were quite a bit less and probably higher quality.
If this post isn’t by a bot then it’s cool how much that person sounds like one. I don’t mean that negatively; it literally would be cool if a real person could sound like that, like the inverse of a Turing test, a person passing for a machine instead.
From living in a foreign country choppy English is familiar, but bots have an unusual way with language that isn’t just about not fine-tuning which concept is doing what, or connections between them. Why would someone write “bless me” at the end of saying they bought tea they liked? It might be a person, not because it’s using concepts in a reasonable but awkward way (web versus website, credible versus some variation that matches meaning better), but because no one would program a bot to make spelling errors. Steepster bots have a nice way of supporting each other though, and what Smeb said matches that pattern perfectly. I really don’t care which it is since this is still spam.
I did not think of this as spam as it was about a legitimate tea company, even though the prices seemed very high.
To me spam means advertising, and mention of a legitimate tea company is that. I don’t see it as necessarily always negative, it just depends on group or forum rules if it’s allowable or not. Steepster is a bit open to commercial discussion, which I see as a generally good thing, it’s a necessary part of the tea experience.
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