A fellow Steepster needs our help!
I had to pass along this amazing offer to do a good deed and win some tea too! If you don’t follow Kashyap here on Steepster, you really should because he’s a wealth of good tea information and a fine human being. Please take a moment to read about what he’s up to as I have shamelessly copied this from his tealog:
Muhammad Ali once said, when asked how he wanted his life to be remembered:
He took a few cups of love.
He took one table spoon of patience.
One table spoon, tea-spoon of generosity.
One pint of kindness.
He took one quart of laughter.
One pinch of concern.
And then he mixed willingness with happiness.
He added lots of faith.
And he stirred it up well.
Then he spread it over a span of a lifetime.
And he served it to each and every deserving person he met.
That is a wonderful metaphor for each other and for a cup of tea and such a way to aspire.
I want to add to the Cup of Compassion a 1/2# of Mojito mint from East Indies (I think one of my fellow steepster followers did a review of this) ….its an herbal blend using a rooibos tea base, blended with mint, lime and essence of rum. From Sept 2nd – Sept. 15th any steepers who donate any amount to my ALS charity fundraiser will be in a drawing for this 1/2#, which I will ship to your door. Its a great way to enjoy the lingering summer weather and to support the search for a cure to a devistating disease.
Just go to this site:
and when you make your donation put a note of “steepster”
Thank you for your time and attention…
And here is a raised cup to hope!
Kashyap AKA Shawn
I know that times are tough and that money is in ever shorter supply, but please donate if you can. Every little bit helps :)
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