wuhukf said

1997 Hong Kong Return Commemorative Puerh Tea Cake


Has anyone tried this tea yet and if so, what are your thoughts? I’m looking to give this as a gift. Even if you haven’t tried it, please weigh in. I’d like to give someone a puerh cake from 1997 as that year has special meaning.


Thank you!

14 Replies
mrmopar said

There are probably more choices out there. This is a shou cha. Does your friend prefer this or sheng cha?

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wuhukf said

I’m not sure how familiar he is with puerh tea. However, I would prefer to give him sheng cha so that it can really develop even more over the years. I believe he would really enjoy that aspect of it. Is there anything you’d recommend? I can’t seem to find any puerh from 1997 that’s raw.

mrmopar said

Any legit stuff from 1997 will be in the thousands of dollars. There is always the question of storage as well.
That one you linked is a shou cha.

wuhukf said

Gotcha, thanks for the information. Unfortunately, that’s out of my price range. In terms of ripe tea, is there anything you’d recommend?

I keep seeing these 2 come up in my searches as well:



mrmopar said
wuhukf said

Thanks for sending me all those links, I’m going through each one right now.

What are your thoughts about this tea:


mrmopar said

Haven’t had that one. Looks interesting though.

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Cwyn said

It isn’t from 1997. This is a newer tea and it’s overpriced.

wuhukf said

Ahh, thanks for the info!

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TeaLife.HK said

This is an unbranded cake that is looking to capitalize on commemorative cakes put out by larger producers. I have a 2007 commemorative brick that should be ready by 2027 (it was in cryostorage in Yunnan until I bought it last year)!

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Yang-chu said

I’m with Cwyn. There wasn’t much of a commemorative mkt in ‘97. It’s not from ’97 and it is wayyy over priced. The other thoughts references were fakes.

The besk HK related commemorative I’ve had is the Zhongcha Hong Kong Returns 10th square from ‘07, 100g. It is a vicious raw packed with lots of Dr Pepper and camphor medicinal notes. It also comes in a 250g brick, which I’ven’t tried. The 100g tuo and the cake are maturing differently. As far as ripes go the Zhongcha ‘55 from ’06 marks the monopoly’s 55th year. The cake itself is gorgeous full of gold buds and the taste now is evolving into a very zingy and full-bodied ripe with lots of mouthfeel.

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AllanK said

I have ordered I think once or twice from this seller when I had Amazon gift cards. I specifically avoided stuff like that one because it looks like a fake to me too. You would probably find that by the taste test it isn’t more than five years old or so. An actual twenty year old shou should have cleared of it’s fermentation taste. I bet this one still has a lot left. I would not buy it. If you want a twenty year old shou that is authentic try the 1996 CNNP Green Mark Te Ji by Yunnan Sourcing. It is very good and really from 1996.

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AllanK said

You might try emailing Scott at Yunnan Sourcing and asking him if he can get anything from 1997 for you if it needs to be from 1997 but it will be expensive if he can get it.

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wuhukf said

Thanks everyone for your input and help; I greatly appreciate it. I ended up buying another cake after doing some more research.

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