Link to video about Dessert or Craving Teas

I recently got a tea book from the library called, “The Ultimate Tea Diet,” by Mark Ukra. I’ve only read the first few chapters, and so far it offers some interesting ways tea can play a role in our lives. But what I like most so far, and would like to pass on, is a link to his website with a snippet of a TV talk show called, The View, where they interview Mark “Dr. Tea” Ukura. The six or so minute segment gives a decent overview of tea, and also gives great examples of how dessert/craving teas can be useful for satisfying cravings in a more ‘healthy way.’ (you can play the segment by selecting it in the lower left hand corner of the main web page).

4 Replies
SimplyJenW said

I find it funny that he makes it seem that he invented dessert tea. Many of us have been using flavored teas in such a way for a long time. It is unlikely that I would order one from him, as there are so many choices out there, and even places you can create your own. I don’t think it is likely that his are that unique.

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I can understand where you’re coming from, @SimplyJenW. There are a number of things about him that rub me the wrong way, too. What I like the most about this video is the interaction of the women on the show (I thought they were very funny). And, for me at least, the segment opened my eyes a little on how desert teas can actually be drank in lieu of eating something—a concept first made known to me though Frank and his 52Teas.

I understand the concept of drinking tea instead of drinking coffee, soda, water, or whatever. But replacing some FOOD item? Never! Personally, if I want some sweet, but feel for whatever reason (fear of weight gain, too late at night, will weigh heavily on my stomach, etc.) I ‘can’t have it’, I simply don’t eat it (or I eat a small amount). Although it’s embarrassing to admit, satisfying the ‘craving’ for cheesecake by drinking a cheesecake flavored tea instead of eating the cheesecake—thus REPLACING the cheesecake with the tea—is a new concept for me. :-}

To me, the message is what matters most, not the messenger. Agreed, I would bet he didn’t invent dessert teas, and he’s probably not the first one to call these kinds of teas ‘craving teas’, but at least he’s spreading the word about tea: for many people, tea can have a functional, healthy, rewarding, and yes even fun place in their lives.

SimplyJenW said

Agreed! It was just that ‘tea as a replacement for dessert’ that drew me in initially. It was not long before I was hooked on other kinds of tea, too.

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TheTeaGuy said

Theres just waaayyy to much talking going on haha

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