pkts said

Crimson Lotus Yunnan Youtube Videos

I’m not affiliated with Crimson Lotus, just wanted to point out he’s put up some cool videos in last month from his time in Yunnan. As a puer noob, it was really cool to see what Yunnan region trees, tea processing facilities and cities/regions look like.

On a completely unrelated note, I recently started using bamboo charcoal in my tea water and I swear it brings out nuances if never noticed in my puer ! Def worth $10

6 Replies
t-curious said

I’m liking their videos as well. I’ve never used charcoal in my tea water. How is this done? — Thanks

pkts said

You clean off the charcoal with water and a little scrubbing and then just toss it in a jug with water. It seems like it couldn’t possibly doing anything but I def notice a change. I got mine from Yunnan Sourcing but some people like Kishu from Amazon

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Rob said

Agreed and Agreed.
Glen has put on some very interesting videos and I’ve enjoyed every one of them.
And… yes I’ve been using bamboo charcoal in my water for the last 2 months or so. It makes good water

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Rasseru said

I think I need to start a thread about water additives

t-curious said

Sounds good to me!

Rasseru said

JUst been watching these all afternoon. really enjoying them! good stuff

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