Mighty Leaf
I really, REALLY want to try some other Mighty Leaf teas without having to go to White Spot each and every time (that and they only have 4 flavours) I know there is a Mighty Leaf store in Naniamo, but my car will never make it (needs new water pump and head gasket) … I was told that there are some grocery stores that carry Mightly Leaf “full leaf pouches” but I can only walk so far and travel so many buses before I start to hate people. (Gross did you really just cough w/o using your “cough pocket” barf!)
I know that Safeway and Fairways do not carry Mighty Leaf, does anyone have any suggestions on where to look in the Sidney – Victoria area?!
I’m about to make a Mighty Leaf order – I live in the UK, where Mighty Leaf shipping is really cheap and I can get the whole range. If you want, I can add some things on to the order for you and send them to you.
That is generous of you, but Canada Post is on lock out and all other shipment methods are far too expensive.
I don’t have any suggestions, but have heard Canada Post will be back to work Tuesday!
No kidding, Uniquity, but we have to remember that the workers are locked out because they want to keep their benifits and are refusing to go back to minimum wage after years and years and years of raises. Yes, they are over paid for what they do (but that is why people work for Unions) but it is unjust to request that someone who has been working for $25/hr for 10-15yrs take a pay cut that brings them down to $10/hr which is British Columbia is BARELY enough to survive on your own let alone survive a family. And what about the pension plans and health care they are facing loosing? That is why people take a job with Canada Post, Pension Plan and Health Care, they will be loosing those.
They will be forced back to work on Tuesday, which I find ironic, considering they were LOCKED OUT to begin with…
I know that here in the US Whole Foods sells Mightly Leaf, as does World Market (not a grocery store but a home goods store). Not sure if you have them up in Canada, but if you do, they’re probably worth a try.
What flavors of Mighty Leaf are you looking to try? I have Rainforest Mate and African Nectar, bagged, that I could send you.
I forgot I had this posted here, aparently the local “Market on … St” stores carry Mighty Leaf along with a number of other full leaf selections. Thank-you for all the generous offers of mailing selections to me.
And a little bird told me that I am getting taken up Island to a Mighty Leaf Store in Naniamo at the end of Summer… hehehe!
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