DongBei said

Is this harmful mold growing on my aged dark tea (heicha) brick?

I’m drinking a 2013 Baishaxi Tianfu brick tea and noticed this (see below two pics). It looks kinda like a very fine white mold, but I’m not sure. I don’t live in a super humid climate or anything so this was a bit surprising.

This showed up after I broke off a piece for brewing last week.

Thanks for your help!

11 Replies
mrmopar said

I believe those are the golden flowers that make the tea famous.

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Psyck said

It is dangerously poisonous. Have it shipped to me so that I can dispose it off in an ecologically friendly manner.

mrmopar said

Disposal by consumption I presume….

I lol:ed.

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DongBei said

I’m referring to the white fuzzy stuff on the top, it might be hard to see than the pics but it’s distinctly different than the golden flowers. I’m not referring to those ;)

mrmopar said

Hard to see. You may ask Cwyn or Scott as they have more experience with these heichas than I do.

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Cwyn said

I see the spot you are talking about. It is a small spot of surface mold, buy a toothbrush and brush that off. After all, the same conditions that grow the favorable golden flowers also favor molds. Your crop of flowers is quite awesome, and I applaud your careful attention to the tea to catch a small spot, rather like a bit of mold on cheese that can be scraped off.

DongBei said

Sounds good! I’ll try that. Yeah I’m loving the golden flowers on this brick. They’re pretty amazing. Tastes great too. I just broke off the small pieces that had the mold and tossed them in the trash. They’re really small so it wasn’t a major loss (it’s a 1kg brick after all). In the future I’ll try the toothbrush trick.

Cwyn said

How do you store your 1kg brick? I have one myself and keep shuffling the thing around because it is so big.

DongBei said

I have it stored in the original gift box it came in. I just have it on a shelf in my living room, it helps remind me I have it so I drink it somewhat regularly. It seems to be aging nicely even though I don’t have it in a more “controlled” environment like I do my shu pu.

TeaLife.HK said

If it is getting moldy then your humidity and temp are good for aging. :) Hot, humid summers up your way?

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