Falco said

Fasting - Connecting with the Tea Spirit

Hey There!

Im gonna do a Tea fasting. How long not sure yet. Im talking about quality organic teas with extremely pure energy to connect with the tea spirit. Im wondering if anyone has done this before, any tips?

Jihaa! Lets brew :)

7 Replies

I do 2 weeks water and tea fasting. I recommend using less leaf and drinking less tea overall. Make sure to get some movement in after tea drinking to move the qi around in your body for maximum healing effect. Most of what you drink should be water. You don’t want to come out of the fast physically addicted to tea.

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Garret said

As hard as it is, being a tea dealer and all, when I fast I also give up tea. When I do come back to tea following a fast, it is as though I am meeting the spirit of tea in a way I never had before. For me, one of the things that I am doing during a fast is letting go of caffeine as it is a compound (for me) that makes it feel harder to let go during the detox and get into the meditative space. I love tea, I love fasting, I just don’t love them at the same time :)

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I’m new to the scene….can you explain what the process of tea fasting?

Babble said

There’s different rules for different folks, but generally it means obstaining from any food and just drinking tea and water for a set period of time.

Sounds interesting thanks for the information. Not sure it’s for me. I do use tea as a way to curb my previous soda habit.

Babble said

Tea was my gateway off of soda too! Twinsies!

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Falco said

Wow! Great responses! Thank you guys :). Will think about letting Tea go during fast :) Or dribbling less. My intention to fast woth Tea is to get a cleaner Tea feeling to really connect woth the spirit of Tea. Instead of getting connected with the spirits and feeling of all food and drinks alltogehter :)

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