wstalcup said

white tea starter

I am new to tea and would like some suggestions on a plain “best bang for the buck” loose leaf white tea. I’m looking into for the health reasons only. So many I researched on seem to added ingredients for flavor which I’m not currently interested in. Also what would be a good tea maker that will make a lot so I can drink it all day? also..sorry, last question! is it true that by adding some lemon juice it will increase the health effect? Thanks so much!

2 Replies

Welcome to Steepster!

Lemon in tea is a new one for me, however here in China it is very common to drink hot water with lemon. It certainly has its merits (google will give you a bunch of concrete benefits). I would stay away from artificial stuff though, fresh lemon is the way to go or even dried lemon slices to add in hot water or tea (which may or may not be available where you live).

White tea is certainly healthy. Aged white tea should also be considered (if you ask me not only for health, but for the added thick creamy sweet taste and texture), the amount of flavonoids seem to increase as the tea ages.

We sell white tea, however to be labelled best bang for buck, I suppose you will have to take the taste into consideration.

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AllanK said

A good US source for white tea and tea in general is Simpson and Vail at They are one of my favorite sellers and they do have some good white tea the White Ambrosia being a favorite of mine.

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