Teas that claim to do that are generally just lying to you. While green tea may be high in ECGC which is beneficial in losing weight green tea alone will do little to help you lose weight. The only real way to lose weight is to diet. There is no magic tea that will make you lose weight.
I find mint and ginger teas help my stomach. The way to lose weight drinking tea is to replace food with tea :)
That is if you don’t add sugar.
Fennel seed tea will reduce bloating by a lot. Works like a charm every time for me :-)
In India, it is very common to munch on fennel seeds (sounf) after meals, often sweetened / mixed with paan masala – didn’t know they even make teas out of them.
I can’t help but feel sorry for you. These tea companies like BooTea, Natural Detox tea etc are all scams and I hate it when they trick unwary consumers that their tea is the magic bullet to good health. The only way to lose weight is to exercise regularly and to put in less calories then what your daily requirements are. Take this from an athlete!
Tea should not be used as a dietary substitute nor should it be thought of as a health drink. Sure certain teas are packed full of antioxidants that are necessary for human health but tea is to be enjoyed for it’s taste. There is so much more to tea that if you are only concerned about weight loss then you are really losing out on the benefits that tea has to offer.
As for your bloating all I can really say is portion control. Again, tea is not really going to solve the problem.
I don’t mean to sound like a kill joy but it’s better to be honest then to give you false hope that something would work when in reality it wouldn’t.
The basic fact is while tea is healthy and relatively good for you it will not solve any health issues. I agree that these detox teas are scams.
“As for your bloating all I can really say is portion control. Again, tea is not really going to solve the problem.” Although I agree with you on detox/weightloss scams, that’s… not what ‘bloating’ means. Ahem.
I don’t think tea is going to solve your problem. You should check with your doctor. You might have a gluten allergy or it could be candida overgrowth. Either way, it’s good to check with a doctor.
how about you just eat healtier rather than relying on “detox” tea?
There are teas that can help with digestion or bloating but there is no such thing as a tea that will cause you to lose weight. There are so many things on the market ranging from teas to “magic pills” that claim to burn fat with little effort. The only way to truly lose weight is proper diet and exercise. Try to avoid foods that are causing the bloating problem.
Bloating – peppermint leaf infusion (not tea)
Weight Loss – fennel seed infusion (not tea)
Fennel has been “traditionally used” as an appetite suppressant.
At best, drinking any zero calorie liquid will fill your stomach and maybe reduce hunger pangs. Also, hunger pangs can be mis-read as being a bit dehydrated. So I guess water will do the trick.
Drinking tea can just help you lose weight, but it’s not the main way. You should keep exercise to be healthy. And tea is good for your body, then you can choose the type you like.
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