DB034 said

Best Place to buy Tea Tins

There are quite a few tea tins on amazon for sale but I dont like many of them. Does anyone know a good place online to buy some unique, air tight tins?

3 Replies
AllanK said

Simpson and Vail has good tins and their standard tin is pretty much air tight. Teavana used to have the best air tight tins but they changed their tins so they are not as good now. The website for Simpson and Vail is www.svtea.com.

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teepland said

After seeing the Specialty Bottle Company and their TWS6 product specifically recommended on older Steepster discussions, I ordered a number of these and found they work great. They’re inexpensive and they seal well — just like tea tins from brand-name tea stores. I just create my own label for them.

Here’s a link: http://www.specialtybottle.com/metal-tin-containers/tea/tws6

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onjinone said

eBay and aliexpress have some

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