Chi of Tea said

TOP #1 GRADE (bud and two leaf), hand cultivated 2010 Huoshan Yellow Bud Tea

We would like to thank Ms.VeeVee Zhang for sending us a fresh batch of TOP #1 GRADE (bud and two leaf), hand cultivated 2010 Huoshan Yellow Bud Tea.

This rare tea was imperial tribute tea in the Tang, Ming and Qing Dynasty. The processing method was said to be lost and only to be re-discovered after the 70s, since then, it has been sent as tribute tea to China National Departments every year.

The aroma of the dry leaf is gentle with a hint of sweet hay and the liquor has a soft, fresh sappy aroma of great charm, with a warm toasty edge and a delicate vegetal taste that lingers on the tongue. This is the best of the harvest, which produces a slightly more refined, lighter liquor, yet retaining the characteristics of a green tea.

For more info visit:

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