Looking for White2Tea Tea Club: 2005 Aged White Zhenghe
Howdy folks!
Any W2T teaclub folks have any of the 2005 Aged White Zhenghe that they want to part with?
I dug around and found what I believe is 10g of this tea (the weight of tea plus sample bag is 19.5g). The bag is unlabeled, but the tea inside looks and smells right, and I don’t know of any other teas I have that could be an imposture. I’m willing to part with it, but cannot give a 100% guarantee that this is the exact tea you are looking for.
If you are interested in aged whites in general, you might be interested in trying some of Wuyi Origin’s aged whites: https://www.wuyiorigin.com/store/c9/White_tea.html. I have the three 2009s and the 2011 in significant quantity, and the three that I’ve tried have been good.
Hi! Whoops just seeing this now!
Thanks for taking a look, and the links…
I’ll take a risk with your find :) How much would you like to part with it?
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