I purchased a timer/thermometer from DavidsTea yesterday and am just waiting for it to get here. I think it’s INGENIOUS to put both together:) only 50 cents more then Teavana’s TIMER only! http://www.davidstea.com/thermometer-and-timer?&TF=3B9DBE9A142D&DEID= http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/tea-accessories/tea-tools/p/teavana-perfect-preset-tea-timer
Thanks for the heads-up! I hadn’t seen this model. Please let us know how you like it.
So far, the only other current model tea thermometers I’ve seen from tea suppliers are:
- Teavana – Made by Taylor. (Not well reviewed by Teavana cuctomers.)
- Upton Tea Imports – Thermometer only. (No batteries required)
I bought the Upton thermometer, but wasn’t impressed. It seems to take forever to reach a temperature, and is therefore often very inaccurate when compared to an electronic oven thermometer. For example, if you put it into a kettle of vigorously boiling water, it will jump to about 160 degrees, but then takes half a minute to slowly creep up to 212. Even if you leave it in the kettle the entire time, the temperature reading lags the actual temperature by 10-20 degrees. It is so inconvenient that I don’t use it.
Thanks for your review of the Upton model. Do you plan to try a different brand thermometer?
I have the Davids tea thermometer and timer: http://www.davidstea.com/thermometer-and-timer?&TF=3B9DBE9A142D&DEID=
I have only had it for a few days so I can’t vouch for it over the long term. It is both a timer and a thermometer.
Per their webpage: “This clip-on gadget has pre-set temps and times for steeping all our teas.”
Do the pre-set temps and times also work for well for teas from other suppliers? Thanks!
You can adjust everything. I have done my own time/temp as well as just temp or just time.
Hi GiggelGoddess & Ellyn,
Thanks to both of you for your recommendations of the DAVIDsTEA thermometer / timer. I ordered two of them today.
As an added bonus, ALL DAVIDsTEA online orders comes with 3 free tea samples typically of their choosing. However, one can ask for specific tea samples and they’ll try to accommodate if possible.
Thanks again!
@looseTman I didn’t know you could request specific samples…that’s awesome! I’m glad my post helped you out…I’m enjoying it so far but just keep in mind your water may not reach the temp they recommend. I usually just use the timer function since I just use boiled water and where I live it is between 195* and 200*. It is nice to know the water temp though when playing around with types of tea…I love it’s dual functionality:) And the fact it actually has the company name on it…not some random named company that some tea companies sell…if you sell a timer (or thermometer) then at least put your name on it. Davids Tea rocks!
“I’m enjoying it so far but just keep in mind your water may not reach the temp they recommend.”
Using our new DavidsTea thermometer/timer, I found that measuring 6 oz of boiling water drops the temperature to 195*F and then pouring it into a tea mug drops it to 181*F due to the room-temperature measuring cup & mug. Thus, measuring 6 oz. before boiling will help. Warming a room-temperature teacup with hot water first will also help.
Alternatively, one can boil water in the microwave, thus heating both the water & cup/mug simultaneously.
Which samples did they include with your order?
HOney Dew Mate’, Coconut Oolong, and Daydreamer (all part of their new Spring Collection).
today, i used an oneida meat thermometer for the first time. got it discounted at marshall’s and it works pretty fine, i think. plus it has a lifetime warranty :)
I got the Davids thermometer/timer today, and I’m pretty bummed because I thought I could customize the presets, but alas, no. It would be a pain to have to set up my custom temp and time at every brewing. Blurgh… I even threw away the box because I was so sure I’d like it.
If anyone wants this one, I’ll send it to you for $8! Bought it for $12 today.
Perhaps the following example may be helpful:
Today, I wanted to brew a tea that required 194*F for 3 minutes. None of the 8 pre-set temps and times was an exact match for this specific black tea. I selected the white tea preset, which is programed for 201*F for 4 min & 30 sec. I then touched the clock button which allows the (currently flashing) temp to be adjusted – using the down arrow, I lowered the temp from 201 to 194, then pressed the check mark button. The (now flashing) time was then decreased using the down arrow from 4 min & 30 sec. to 3 min. and then pressed the check mark button. It was then ready to brew this specific tea. These keystrokes took only 30 seconds. (I just timed how long it took to make these changes.)
For the price, this unit is remarkable. It’s both a quick-reading digital thermometer & timer in one. Many slower reading analog thermometers cost as much and don’t include the timer. Also, how many tea thermometers will beep when your tea has reached the desired temp to remind one to place the infuser in the teacup?
Perhaps DAVIDsTEA will take your comments into account to either refine this unit or to produce a second model with the necessary additional memory to store one’s favorite presets. How many user-defined presets would you need or want?
4/22/13: Another refinement for DAVIDsTEA to consider would be the addition of a 10-digit keypad that would allow one to directly enter in the temp & time, rather than having to sequentially set these parameters with the up/down arrow keys. This refinement may be simpler than adding user-defined presets, since the user would also need to know/keep track of which preset is for which specific tea. Some Steepster members have well over 100 teas in their personal collections.
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