I'm Traveling to China to Study Tea

Hello everyone!
For those that don’t know me I’m Dylan and I’m a very passionate tea geek. I’ve been working with in the tea industry for five years and spend most of my free time and money drinking and studying tea. In March I’m taking my studies more seriously by traveling to China. I will be visiting famous tea terroirs such as Dont Ting Shan, Feng Huang Shan and Wuyi to study tea directly from farmers who have agreed to host me.
My goal of this mission is not only that I learn about tea, but also that others learn more. All my travels will be high documented via video, audio and pictures so I can bring back all the information that I learn and share it on my website. I will of course also bring back tea.

I started an Indiegogo page to help me get the most out of my trip. The more I raise, the longer I can stay there collecting information and the better tea I can bring back.
I would love for you guys to visit my page to learn more about my trip and help me spread tea knowledge by donating or sharing it with you friends.
Thank you!

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