ICTea said

Open to Tea Club Ideas

Open to the idea of different ideas to form a tea club and retail site. I see that some prefer the idea of choosing their own tea each month vs. have something picked for them. That and how over priced some are.

I would definitely look at how to make it an option for club members and be affordable. It has to do more with how much it cost the company and making a smaller profit to introduce the teas to members.

I’m looking at the 2 options. 1 is to do straight retail the way most sites look OR do a combo of retail with a club feel. A high tea club place where you hang out as you do at a local eatery.

It may be limited on the blogging. The idea is to be a place for all who love quality tea and coffee to come to. Enjoy the setting or how the site looks, read up on the latest, feel like one is at a cozy country club. Cozy and upscale similar to a cigar lounge, but the focus on the drinks.

For artists and many professionals to meet, network and such. Diversity is key.

Question is does it take away from the retail side or would people look at it less seriously for offering this combo on the site vs. the more professional retail set up?

I’m open to ideas. Trying to form something unique that many are waiting to happen.

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