Looking for a Tea subscription
Hello, I know this topic has been posted before, but I couldn’t find any suitable recent posts. My birthday is in March and I intend to buy a tea subscription to try new teas every month. I prefer quality of over quantity, and I enjoy pure teas as well, as blends, as long as the blends are made with good ingredients rather than artificial flavorings. As for prices, Anything more than $18 USD a month must be available to purchase multiple months at a time.
So far the two I am considering the most are Verdant teas, and A Quarter to Tea
mm I don’t know how you feel about indian tea, but teabox’s subscription is pretty good. I did it for a couple months, before I realized I don’t like Indian tea. Now I’m doing Jalamtea’s subscription which is just a 100g cake of puerh a month, uhh but there’s also J-tea international’s club? https://www.jteainternational.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1
I think Verdant’s is really good too though
Hi, right now I consider 3 Taiwan based tea subscriptions plans. Eco-cha, TheJadeLeaf and Dachi Tea Co.
Good luck with your choice.
Hi Everune,
Very nice to meet you! This is Mara from Story of my Tea, hope we can help you a little bit on your subscription search, we are a tea subscription service offering teas from different terroirs of the world, not just China or India. The reason we are doing this is to provide our customers the opportunity to try different flavors and aromas, identify the differences on each tea and how the region where tea is cultivated influence it. Each month we send you 5 different teas (12-15gr of each tea) a total of 60gr approx.
Currently, we are running a Kickstarter campaign, that is ending pretty soon and we are offering very good deals, for example, 3 months for $59.00 or a year for only $220. The first package will be delivered in the month of March, just in time for your birthday!! If you have any question, feel free to reach out to me.
Here is the link to our campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1186165357/story-of-my-tea-discovering-great-tea-made-simple
There are a bunch on this list if you scroll down. I’ve heard Tea Sparrow is good. http://cdnboxaddict.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page_28.html
I recently joined this one:
You receive 2 teas per month/14,95 euro, free ship world wide. They promote direct trade. Received my first box, and it’s great.
Hi Sandra,
Thanks for your kind remark! Indeed we offer two teas within our subscription; you can customize or pause your subscription at any time. Every month we add new limited edition to your subscription. The March (2017) edition will be saffron/ginger :)
Anyone who signs up with the following coupon, receives a free infuser worth 7,50 euro with coupon code: frank_loves_steepster @ www.frankabouttea.com/subscription
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