What's your favorite green tea?
I have tried to taste some kinds of green tea like gyokuro, sencha, matcha, teavana, tealeaves, and so on. Gyokuro, Sencha and Matcha are made in Kyoto, Shizuoka, Kagoshima. Now I’m looking for a new tea, and I’m interested in Chinese tea. But there are a lot of kinds of tea, so I cannot choose one. Please let me know if you have some recommendation! Thanks
Xin Yang Mao Jian is my favourite green tea, and it’s a Chinese green – I believe from Henan. But I could be wrong. I don’t usually like green teas very much so I don’t know if a fan of greens would like it as much, but I love it.
I like Japanese green tea the best, but I end up drinking more Chinese greens because of the wider varieties and ease of brewing.
For Chinese tea, you can’t go wrong with Laoshan green tea especially if you like Japanese tea. Verdant tea has an extensive selection and Yunnan Sourcing now sells it too. This is hands down my favorite tea at the moment.
Other good ones are huang shan mao feng and bi lo chun. Dragonwell/long jing is the most popular Chinese green tea but I personally find it a little bland.
If you’re just starting out, I would recommend getting lots of different samples to see which kind you like best. Verdant and Teavivre both have a good selection of green tea and offer sample sizes in each one.
my favorite green is Taiping Houkui. I love the stuff, neat/fun to look at too! Teahong and Hojo teas are where I get mine.
The green teas from Teavivre.com are all Chinese and all delicious… at least all that I’ve tried. :D
My favorite is okyalo aloe drink, which is very tasty tea drinks, aloe vera and green tea mixed with the body is very good,
you can refer to: okyalo.comI think Rizhao or Laoshan green are my favourites but I love all greens. Rizhao & Laoshan tend to have that grassy flavour Japanese teas have yet also has a bit of nuttiness. It’s a good border between Japanese and Chinese greens.
There are so many!
From Japan I had some great senchas from Yunomi.us this spring (jump on their pre-order shinchas when they appear)
I also drink a lot of chinese greens, including of course Dragonwell :)
I really enjoyed these this past summer:
Yunnan Qing Zhen:
(check out all of Scott’s offerings in Green tea at yunnansourcing, he gets some good ones for good prices!)
And good spring Bi Luo Chun!
If we’re talking about Japanese green teas, I freak out over just about any sencha or gyokuro. As far as Chinese green teas go, I find that I gravitate toward Laoshan greens, Xingyang Mao Jian, gunpowder variants, and Dragonwell.
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