TeaVivre said

Tea Talking & Win $20 Gift Card

In this thread, we’ll post a daily tea question, tea lover who gives the most interesting answer is more likely to win the award!

Simply, one question, one winner ($20 Gift Card)!

Activation Time: Nov. 13-18, 2016

Check more details for Black Friday Sale via: http://www.teavivre.com/sale/black-friday-sale.html#sale1

39 Replies
TeaVivre said

Today’s Question: WHY Do You Love Teas?

I love tea because it’s a different experience every time. So many factors go into tea: the temperature, the amount of leaves that are used, the time you steep the tea that even the same tea can be a different experience every time. I also love that there are so many varieties of tea to fit my tea moods. I never get bored with tea! It always brightens my day a little bit.

Kaylee said

I love tea because it gives me a calming break from the hectic world. At work, it helps me recenter. At home, it helps me relax after a long day. With friends, it gives us something to bond over.

Elie said

For me, Tea is more than just an everyday habit, more than a simple addiction or a way to travel to my inner world.
Tea is the way I feel my life and the world around me. I am not a tea addict only because I drink tea, but also because I try to use what I learned to get a better understanding of my surroundings.
The short answer is: I love Tea because it helps me to feel the beauty of this world.

Brian said

finding real whole leaf tea was a savior for me. it helped me break away from over consumption of alcohol and gave me a fun new hobby as well. im a scientist by trade so constantly playing with ratios and times, aging tea, and all the different utinsels is great fun for me.

nishnek said

Because it tastes good and, unlike Pokemon, I’ll never have caught them all.

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JakeB said

I love tea because it brings people together. I certainly love the taste and “the feels” I get from drinking different teas, but I like being in a community of people that are passionate about drinking tea, sharing information about tea, and generally like helping other people have a better day.

TeaVivre said

Congratulations Jake. And would you please give me your contact information or follow me on Steepster, then I can send you the message.

JakeB said

Followed you. Thanks!:)

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TeaVivre said

The Second Question is: Do you still remember your very first tea? How did that happen?

We’re so appreciated for your guys to be so active to participate in our # Tea Talking #. It’s really very hard for us to choose only “ONE Winner” each day, because all the replies are quite impressive and adorable.

However, let’s follow the rule and congratulations to JakeB.

Please don’t be discouraged! It still has 4 chances to win the $20 Gift Card.

I definitely still remember my first cup! I think most tea lovers first cup of tea was probably a lower quality teabag from the grocery store and so was mine. Around 12 years ago I remember sitting on my grandma’s porch staring at the river and taking my first sips of teabag chai and was immediately in love with all things tea (especially an avalanche of chai in the autumn.) I blame my grandmother for turning me into a tea monster. :D

Riimu said

I do! I was at my grandmas house. I was something like four at the time. I saw my mom and grandma drink something hot from tiny flower cups and as a little girl I wanted to drink from one of those pretty flower cups too. So my grandma asked if I would like some juice or tea and I said tea, of course. I had seen Moomins drink tea and wanted to try some too.
I received that fancy flower cup with hot water and sachet of Lipton Yellow label. So I begun to swirl the teabag around in my cup and the water started to turn brown. It was great fun to watch the water turn into reddish-brown tea. When it cooled down enough I took my first tea-sip ever and it was not that good, it was bitter. I was told to mix some honey with the tea and it started to become more of my liking (because kids like everything sweet). With every sip I put more honey into my tea until it was more like honey with tea that tea with honey. That was my first and probably sweetest cup o’ tea. I have gone a long way after that. ^^

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Babble said

My first tea was probably your standard black tea in a bag. But my first REAL tea that made me fall in love with tea was jasmine dragon pearls. I remember thinking it was so cool watching the leaves unfurl. I think it’s a great starter tea for people who are hesitant to try.

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Mackie said

I don’t specifically remember my first tea, it was definitely some sort of commercial, flavoured tea or just some kind of fruit tisane from my parents’ cupboard only a few years ago, but I don’t feel like I had a real experience with tea until I went gongfu, and I think I had a laoshan green as my first gongfu tea, and I think I’d consider that tea my first real tea love. But it’s kind of fuzzy for me, there were a lot of stages I went through when beginning my tea journey

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Elie said

Ok, the more the merrier so I’ll participate again ^^

The biggest problem in the question is maybe the word “tea” itself ( I do feel ashamed to write such a thing though). I don’t really want to call a low-quality tea bag : “Tea”, so I’ll just talk about my earliest good tea-memory.

When I was a child I used to live near the ocean, and we often went on a walk by the seashore with my parents. There is always a strong wind, especially during winter, and one hour of this chilly wind is more than enough to feel a bit dizzy. Your face becomes all red because of the cold, and your over oxygenated brain makes your mind going blank. You don’t feel like focusing on anything special anymore. And once back home, we always share one of these Christmas black tea blends. It was a very warming (in every way) moment, being at peace and sharing love with my family. Simple yet beautiful thing do exist in our world, we just need to find a good way to see them.
This could be a “Madeleine de Proust” (Not totally sure if I can say it in English…) but it’s highly ironic for a tea we drink with (madeleine) cakes ^^

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ChaMei select said

The very first tea must be the pot of oolong from a family dim sum restaurant outing. It is the first tea for my daughter and she’s only two.

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My first experience with tea was when I discovered I liked drinking Twining’s bagged chamomile and green tea. I shudder thinking about that…

But my true first experience was when a mock Japanese tea ceremony was held at my college one day. I was already interested in Japanese culture, but I didn’t know anything about the Japanese tea ceremony. I was incredibly taken with it: the set-up, the atmosphere, the etiquette, and – oh wow! – the matcha.

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AllanK said

Not counting supermarket tea bags my first experience with real tea has two chapters. First one was when I was vacationing in Williamsburg Virginia and came across a small tea store selling high quality loose tea, Discover Teas. I remember buying a bunch of their teas but in particular a black/green blend called Chocolate Covered Strawberry is the one I remembered. This store launched me on the path to real tea you might call it. After I got home from Vacation I discovered my local mall had a Teavana in it and they sold real tea too. The second part of my discovery of tea was my discovery of puerh. I had found a local tea shop called Clipper Ship Tea Company. On day while I was in the shop the salesperson showed me their last ripe puerh cake they had in stock. I bought it. And from their discovered the various tea shops on the internet that sold puerh tea. Once I had discovered Puerh there was no turning back.

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My first experience with tea was at a very young age. My grandmother is an avid tea drinker, and she had traveled all over the world visiting various tea estates. However, her one true love was that of the “Earl Grey” variety. One day when I was a child I was visiting her with my parents, and it was late at night. I can remember everyone talking around the fireplace, and she had handed me a small ceramic mug with steam billowing from the top. She told me to blow and sip softly. I remember putting my nose up to the brew and taking in that sweet clean anise scent. I instantly fell in love. The brew was nice and dark with warm woodiness and an almost citrus bite. I remember asking her mountains of questions and looking up at her with my cutest puppy dog eyes for another cuppa. From that moment forward, I had explored many different teas, and we bonded over our shared love interest of the plant. Presently, I tend to distance myself from flavored teas; however, I will always have a place in my heart for a well done Earl Grey.

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