Yixing Zisha Teapots
Hello, All!
I just purchased a beautiful set of 5 Yixing Zisha teapots in 5 different colors: purple, yellow, green, red, and black.
They are from the 1970’s (中国宜兴) and come with papers of authenticity.
Since I have no way of knowing what teas have been brewed in which pots, I am having a hard time deciding what to do when I receive them. I hate to boil them and lose all of the buildup over the past 40 years, but I also don’t want to put a nice oolong into a pot that was used to brew black tea.
What would you do?
Yellow (duanni) is for green tea…anything else will stain it. I use green for green too. Red for low-to-high fire oolong. Black for high fire oolong. Purple for pu erh or medium-high oolong, or aged pu erh/humid storage
Just how I use my pots! :) I also use a hongni pot for young raw pu erh and young raw pu erh maocha.
If the teapots have really been in daily use for forty years there should be a lot of built up flavors. I don’t know if this idea will work. But try filling each pot with boiling water and see if you can discern any flavor. Maybe you can figure out what the pot was used for by a very slight taste of residual flavor. This may not work at all if the pots were rarely used at all of course. But in theory a pot used every day for forty years will hold a lot of residual flavors. You just might be able to make an educated guess.
I would also contact the seller and see if he knows. Also, some old pots have never been used. Are you certain yours were used?
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