Please Flyawaybirdie can you tell me if you got the private message with my info that I sent.
Hey I missed the deadline too since I was on a cruise but I am happy to sign up if still possible :)
=( I’m sorry, everyone’s assignments already went out. Unless there’s more people that want to join …
No worries. Let me know if there are any late stragglers or any packages that don’t show and I’ll be happy to accommodate.
Everyone that has sent addresses to me should have gotten their assignments already. I double checked, but if steepster has gone wonky and not delivered your message, please let me know.
I also extended the latest ship date to Oct 22. HOPEFULLY that still gives plenty of time for your Pumpkin to receive their package by Halloween/early November. Please treat your Pumpkins well! Remember to leave a note with your package to let them know it was from you!
Please let all of us know when you receive your packages. Sharing is caring! (And I like to live vicariously through all of you!)
I had said I wanted to join earlier but never gave my address :-/. I don’t know why I spaced on that part. Let me know if there were any stragglers you can match me up with. If not oh well :-)
@MischievousButterfly, @Babble
Since the main set up is so everyone’s giftee is not their gifter, we don’t have enough to set it up the same way unless we get one or two more people. But if you don’t mind knowing who’s sending you a package, I certainly encourage the two of you to swap with each other! =)
I got everything sent out today in the mail for my secret pumpkin. I hope they enjoy it. I am so sorry that it will get there alittle later, then I thought, but I accidentally shipped part of it back to me, because I have my address on shipping on paypal but on the website seller website I had the secret pumpkins address,so today I reshipped the other part of you order with the other goodies I am sending you and got it straighted out. You will likely get the rest of your goodies and tea on thursday 27. Like I said I am so sorry that this all happened. I hope you enjoy everything. Please let me know when you get everything.
I received my Secret Pumpkin package today!! I’m feeling very lucky. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, haveteawilltravel! Everything looks wonderful. Getting this in the mail today was very welcome since I’ve been sick and feeling sorry for myself.
I’m so glad your received everything safely!
I apologize for the aged sheng. I saw it on your wishlist, so I threw some in. Afterwards, I noticed you had requested not to receive any. I had already sent the package at that time. :/
No apologies needed! It’s only some aged sheng that I have trouble with. Even if the one you sent is one I can’t enjoy, you sent so many other great teas that it won’t matter in the least.
I received mine too! Last week was the teas, directly sent to me from the vendors, and today was the candy and card. I’m floored by silvermage2000’s generosity.
I hope you enjoy everything KiwiDelight.
I definitely will! I really like the teas from the Tea Spot!
I just got mine today! Thank you so much Kiwi! I look forward to trying all these new teas, they all look delicious. Also, thank you for the spooky card and notepads! I love notepads!
Glad you received it OK. I was worried for the package since it didn’t have tracking. I’m happy you like the notepads!
All the way from across the pond! Thanks Arby; I didn’t CA peeps were participating.
You are welcome! I looked though your cupboard and somehow missed that you had one of the teas I bought you. Hopefully you can find a use for it, or pass it on to someone who enjoys it. The samples are from all sorts of companies, so some might not be your type, but I hope you have fun exploring some new teas. :)
I know where not suppoused to know who our gifter is but do you think I will get package soon or what method of mailing it is?
Your gifter reached out to me, it should arrive by Monday via USPS. =)
Thank you gift and flyawaybirdie for helping me and answering my question and everything.
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