My favorite green tea is a Chinese one, though I have no idea what it’s called (when I bought it, I was told that it is called “Autumn Tea”). However, my second favorite is Japanese genmaicha. So maybe it’s a tie. =]
Japanese of course.
A good sencha always makes everyone happy i’ll think. The gyokuro too because when you got some pure leaves without other flavors they’re the most tasty. The Chinese tea is good to be mixed with other flavors because of the buttery taste. But, I would say that the Chinese tea is a great everyday tea, and the Japan one is for special occasion.
Yeah, I’m with the minority. Japanese teas are generally too grassy for me since the Japanese steaming process doesn’t impart any flavor the way the Chinese pan frying does. I’ll take a long jing (dragonwell) over a sencha most of the time, although I did have a nice genmaicha at a Japanese restraurant tonight, but most of that flavor is coming from the roasted rice, isn’t it? Hojichas aren’t bad, but they’re more akin to Chinese teas than a typical Japanese tea anyway.
Okay, I spent all day running around tea fields – my brain is fried. In the effort to make my post more clear – I’m just going to rewrite it!
I have always loved Japanese green teas – honestly I was a staunch Japanese-tea-only kind of gal until I started travelling China and Taiwan.
I have to say though – to bring in something from another category – I have been so surprised by fresh, bright, lovely lighter oolongs – such as Baozhong Oolong and Dongding Oolong.
Japanese tea is always a wonderful way to go – but if you like greens, Chinese tea deserves some love, and definitely try a light Taiwanese Oolong!
Um. Yes… Jade Leaf is well aware of that. That’s why s/he said “Baozhong Oolong”. You may want to try reading and understanding one’s post completely before posting.
Yeah sorry about the confusion! Cofftea, my original post was a confusing mess so I just went through and rewrote the whole thing. So its all good!
Its a toss up for me…if I’m in the mood for something fresh I reach for the Japanes greens as I love the fresh vegetal flavor they produce…if I’m looking for somthing more buttery, toasty, or smokey, I’ll reach for my Chinese greens.
I haven’t tried any japanese as of yet (I’m trying to get my basis with all the chinese types and subtypes first), and green wouldn’t be the highest on my list of chinese tea, but this one is fantastic. Very refreshing and colourful! I enjoy green tea after dinner mostly and this is so wonderful:
I think I would probably prefer Japanese from what I’ve heard but my heart will always lie towards Chinese tea because it’s where I started the journey! :)
It’s almost apples and oranges when comparing Chinese to Japanese green teas. Japanese teas are generally grassy in flavor and taste best when steeped briefly at low temperatures. Chinese teas are vegetal and more forgiving to water temperature. They can be either steeped or simmered without becoming astringent like delicate Japanese teas do. They also make a great base for flavored green teas. They marry well with just about any kind of spices, flowers, dried fruit, etc
I go back and forth, but lean towards Japanese if I had to pick. That being said, it seems like Japanese greens degrade a lot faster after sitting around unused, but that might just be my mind playing tricks on me? I’ve been drinking lots of dragonwell lately.
So far, I rather like Japanese. Though more sampling is needed.
Japanese. Avid sencha drinker here. Also love gyokuro.
It’s basically all I ever drink, apart from a good Ceylon or a good Darjeeling.
Only Chinese green tea I love and ocassionally buy is Tea Vivre’s bi lo chun. Do not fancy others.
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