Recommended sources for loose english breakfast
I’m not too happy with my current English Breakfast from Positively Tea. It’s a little too astringent, without the richness or flavor to back it up. Can anyone recommend any alternatives, or maybe some sources I should sample? In the past, I’ve bought from Adagio, Upton, and Frontier. I just got samples from Harney, and didn’t mind the Dorchester (finely ground) blend or the Irish breakfast. Thanks in advance.
Harney is good as I recall. I think David’s Tea makes one too and their teas are generally good. If you have a local tea store they may sell a good one too.
Perennial Tea Room’s Seattle Breakfast Blend is really good. I personally dislike that style of tea, but that one is exceptionally good. I tried it on a whim as they are local to me and it was a house tea. They do online sales.
DavidsTea makes a great English Breakfast and Irish Breakfast. My favorite breakfast tea is the Irish Breakfast Xtra Fancy from Red Leaf tea.
As a general comment, which I think is fair.. One of the annoying things that happens here is when people ask questions and then they either are incapable of reading what you write, or you are forced to repeat what you have previously said..
Unfortunately this keeps some of the answers to questions from being discussed.
I saw your comment on David’s. But a couple people have given them positive reviews. So no reason not to try it if they’re close by and offering samples.
@MrQuackers don’t assume that because you disliked a tea that everyone else will. Many people love a tea that another hates. And to say it is garbage is not right when David’s Tea is high quality. The right thing for you to have said was that you couldn’t stand it.
You stated an opinion, MQ, not a fact. Other people have different opinions and maybe chose not to engage with your negative opinion. You didn’t like it. That doesn’t make it garbage, it makes it something you didn’t like. There’s absolutely no reason to be rude to others like this.
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