Any chance that you’ll have it for Android as well?
Unfortunately not in the near future. We’re putting our all into the iPhone one for now.
How about measurements for a 20 oz. pot of tea for use with the Breville One-Touch?
Awesome. Well, it turns out that you can set however much tea you want to make and Tea will make the conversions automatically for you.
Is it customizable so if we prefer stronger green tea, for instance, we can program it to automatically calculate the measurements at the higher levels?
Since “strong” changes from person to person, we don’t have different recommendations for different levels of strength. It is really easy to find your own “strong” level, though, and record a higher tea amount, rate it, and take notes on it.
This is unrelated to your iphone app, but I recognize you from teashow tv… any new episodes on the way?
Yes, lots of episodes are on the way. We’ve been working on a new intro for the new year. Sorry for the delay!
great! I was worried you guys might have given up on it, glad to see you haven’t
Update: should be Wednesday. We’ve got an interview at Samovar Tea Lounge in SF with Jesse Jacobs.
So i was trying to check this out but its a ‘private video’..
Give it a shot now. We had it on private because we weren’t happy with the video quality, but enjoy it for now, and we’ll upload a new version once we improve it.
I like the app, when should it be ready to go? I have been using Teavana’s app. Its aight, would rather have something like this that isn’t branded. I don’t do Teavana, too expensive.
Although I really like the music on Teavana’s app, as well as the cup that darkens to the color of the tea you’re brewing as it counts down the steeping time.
Shooting for the next few weeks.
QuiltGuppy, are there any other features from their app that you enjoy?
The ability to mark favorites is nice, although on Teavana’s it’s more for their favorite teas. If there were some way to store settings that we customize, that would be extremely helpful. More helpful than Teavana’s app.
Yep. You’ll be able to save all settings and tasting notes and go back and search through them really easily.
Then I have to say I’m really looking forward to your app.
What are you thinking about in terms of cost for the app?
Also, it would be really neat to have an app that will allow posts to connect to Steepster to post reviews of different teas. I don’t know if that would have to be a dedicated Steepster app, though.
Not ready to announce price yet, but it will be very reasonable.
Finally! A functional and good looking tea application for the iPhone. I just finished digging through the app store and doing some googling, only to find numerous featureless applications that’ve paid little regard to Apple’s human interface guidelines.
I recalled signing up for an account here on Steepster last year to help find the best place to order some teas for my girlfriend, thought that perhaps Steepster themselves would have a nice application out. Googling for “Steepster iPhone”, this thread is the first result.
Really happy to see this will be available soon. Given that you’re not quite at the release stage yet, I’ve one thing I’d like to recommend (which may already be done, or on your to-do list): replace those stock icons on the navigation bar. If the categories for the first two nav items are approximately correct (i.e., storage/db & metrics), would love to instead see a set of canisters for the “storage” icon (or perhaps a series of depth-stacked teacups), and a teaspoon as a component in the metrics icon.
Signed up for notification when it launches. Great work, looking forward to trying it out.
Nice touch with the “Verizon” status bar.
As for a feature request, would love to see the ability to use/switch to metric measurements. Most of the existing applications only offer imperial.
Hey drub. Thank you so much for the kind words. We’re not actually using those icons in the bottom. The ones pictured are placeholders, and I completely agree that they don’t fit!
As for measurements, we’ll be offering a variety of measurement units, with a really simple and intuitive way to switch among them, with instant conversions.
Just came across this and I agree 100% with drub! Looking forward to this for sure :)
Is there going to be any social angle built into the app (think posting to steepster, facebook, twitter, etc)? Or a way to connect with ‘friends’ and share recommendations?
Still looks promising without these though!
Twitter and FB sharing will be built in from the get go.
Samuel this is pretty darn sweet :) ! Is it hard to make an iphone app? I thought it would always be a cool thing to get something for my website on the Iphone :)
iPhone apps are a bit tricky, if you’d like email me at sam at and I’ll send you some reading recommendations for learning how.
Hi Samuel – Twinings Tea here – sounds very interesting – why not get in touch with us we would love to talk though some ideas. Alex
Would love to chat. Feel free to email sam at
Looks great. Can’t wait for it to release.
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