Quality Tea

I’ve been searching for higher quality teas (blended and unblended) as of late and have not been successful.

During my search, I’ve encountered major companies such as Teavana, Adagio, Tavalon, etc. but wasn’t too impressed with any of them.

Are there other tea companies that I should know about/try?

21 Replies
AJ said

Those companies do have their moments, from what I understand. But some of my favourites for “quality” are:

Gingko’s Life in Teacup: http://www.lifeinteacup.com/

And… well, Jade Teapot and The Simple Leaf were also exceptional companies, but they’ve both since closed.

I think all of Steepster jumps for joy (myself included) when Andrew and Dunham release a new Series on Damn Fine Tea: http://www.damnfinetea.com

If you’re interest extends beyond blends and into flavoureds, Frank’s 52 Teas: http://www.52teas.com

I also 2nd Life in Teacup and 52teas.

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Kristin said

I’m starting to sound like a broken record:

Harney’s and Sons


Atacdad said


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I am a big fan of joy’s teaspoon. www.joysteaspoon.com The teas range in price but at every price range there are quality teas to try. Also, you can order a sampler pack to try multiple types for a small investment.

Good luck with your endevours!

Uniquity said

I < 3 Joy’s Teaspoon! +1!

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I will add in ThePuriTea…great natural Milk Oolong, Golden Yunnan, Roasted Dong Ding, and Mango flavored tea. www.ThePuriTea.com

For the most amazing Genmaicha I would suggest Obubu Teas. www.Obubutea.com

Caitlin said

thePuriTea passionfruit tea is one of the most wonderfully flavorful teas I have ever had

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Very helpful, I’ll try out everyone’s suggestions- especially 52teas.

Already tried dens and damn fine tea.

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Simple said

http://zhitea.com/ For Oolong & White teas. Best Iv’e had.

Ellen said

Another thumbs up for Zhi! Their oolongs are awesome

Just got a batch of zhi tea today and their Silver Needles is up there amongst all the white teas I’ve tried.

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Chi of Tea said

check ups out as well.. www.chioftea.com

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elemental said

We take great pride in the quality of our loose teas. Please check us out.

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georgiateacompany.com chicago tea garden white august tea company. thenecessiteas.com

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Brigadoone said

Thank you all for your recommendations. I am new to this site, and to fine teas to some extent. Now I have some specific companies to explore. Thank you.

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