Herbal /Fruit Tisane Suggestions
For health reasons, I need to drink less tea for a while (luckily not give it up all together), so I’m looking to add some herbal tisanes into the rotation. I’ve never been a big fan of them since many seem too week compared to tea, although I do like Tea Source’s Red Berries tisane (it’s got a nice strong flavor, but it’s so red it stains everyhting).
Do you have any suggestions for a tisane with a strong flavor or one that you really enjoy. I tend to prefer berries/fruit flavors more than herbal, but I’m willing to try things outside my normal comfort zone.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
The only tisane I’ve had that was very flavorful was the Ruby Nectar Tea From Jasmine Pearl.
Magic Dragon is delicious iced from Davidstea.
I really enjoy rooibos as my “tea free” beverage. It has a great natural earthy and full-bodied flavor that can take a variety of other flavorings. I really like Adagio’s regular rooibos and apple cinnamon rooibos (for the winter). I also enjoy Adagio’s blood orange tea if you want something with a strong fruit flavor. It has a hibiscus base with a strong sour orange flavor. Those are two of my favorites at least!
David’s Tea blend called I believe Dragon Magic is really nice. I made it primarily as an iced tea and it’s great. David’s Tea has a lot of nice caffeine free tisanes and rooibos blends. You will actually find good ones at Teavana as well.
Here are some of my favourites! I drink a lot of herbal and rooibos blends, so if you tell me what flavours you like most, I can recommend some more.
David’s tea
Alpine punch (nuts, almond, cinnamon, cherry, baked apple)
Birthday cake
Coco chai rooibos (my favorite chai)
Earl Grey Rooibos
Jesse’s tea (coconut, lavender, rooibos)
Spearmint (super cheap too!)
Caramel corn (VERY good, caramel, popcorn, cinnamon, baked apple, sweet)
Forever nuts (my fav herbal from David’s)
Wild orange blossom
Pineapple kona pop
Zingiber ginger coconut rooibos
Silk road
Chocolate panda (cocoa nibs and peppermint)
Cosmic consciousness (herbal chai, it is a bit spicy from the ginger)
peppermint, spearmint, chamomile, rose buds, roasted barley. In my experience these pure herbs will taste similar regardless of where you get them.
Anything and everything from 52Teas will be absolutely fantastic. I highly recommend them.
If you’d like to try anything from my site, I’ll send you some samples additionally. Several are best sellers at my store.
The Almond Orange Rooibos and Meyer Lemon Rooibos are right up there.
Red tea (Rooibos) brews up nice and robust with a high antioxidant benefit and caffeine free.
Teas under Columbia Kate’s on Steepster are all blended by me.
I label tea from my website that are not my own, so that it can be attributed to the proper vendor for reviews.
Thanks for the quick feedback everyone! Unfortunately, I think rooibos tea is also a problem since my issue is more hydration than caffeine, but I’ll definitely check out the various tisanes listed above.
And luckily I don’t have to give up tea completely, because I’d hate to be without my Columbia Kate’s Royal Irish or Meyer Lemon!
Oh cool! already a fan.
If you want, send me a message with more info on your issue and I’ll help you research something that helps.
Maybe I can create a blend with flavors you like.
If you are at home and have access to fruit, dried fruit, nuts, etc.. there are some you can make yourself. Searching the internet might provide you with some recipes.
Like Arby said, David’s tea seems to specialise in these as well. Look at Luscious Watermelon, for example. You can actually eat the fruit after brewing.
I LOVE zentealife.com’s Sweet Coconut Island. I was sipping it the other day and thought “I could drink this every night.” I also love the Chocolate mint rooibos that they offer. There are some other options from Zen too.
I also love David’s Forever Nuts… there are some other companies that have the same blend… not sure which companies at the moment though.
Simpson and Vail (svtea.com) also has so many options.
I also love Bluebirdteaco.com’s Rhubarb Custard and Fusionteas.com has some good blends.
Special thanks to ColumiaKate! I messaged her with more details, and she had some very helpful suggestions and gave me some very useful information. That’s one of the many things I like about tea – so many of the vendors really seem to love their products and care about their customers!
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