Portable Tea and Coffee Brewing Mug - What do you think?
Hey Everyone!
I wanted to let you know that we have designed a portable coffee and tea brewing mug, soon to be launched on Indiegogo. I really wanted to source your feedback and what you think about our mug.
Here is a link to a video about our device: https://youtu.be/A3cS3tMjy14
We will be launching in about a month. If you’d like to sign up, we are currently giving away 30% off already discounted Indiegogo price. Leave your email address and we will be in touch! Link: http://www.thejoltcoffee.com
Looking forward to what everyone thinks! Any and all feedback greatly appreciate it! It’s a couple of us strapping this from our basements, and we really hope we can make this into something people want to use!
Thank you!
Thanks in advance for your feedback. It is really invaluable, we are really trying to make this something people could benefit from.
Hey guys, check us out, we are now live on Indiegogo! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jolt-brew-coffee-tea-in-the-palm-of-your-hand-battery#/ ****- Come support us, leave comments, help us make this product great and bring it to the world
Very interesting except one thing. This is not a coffee website but a tea website. The video doesn’t say anything about brewing tea with the device.
You’re right. Sometimes coffee lovers who know how to extract the best drip brew out of coffee lump tea extraction as the same. This product doesn’t account for the temperature ranges of different tea types which can range from 212F to 170F. Maybe the target audience for a portable coffee extractor/mug only needs one extraction method for their tea so it can be seen as an additional feature but not necessarily reach a wider audience. I could use it as a portable kettle that heats water to almost boiling and with a thermometer the temperature can range down, but I wouldn’t be using it on the go.
Thank you for your thoughts! Yes, we traditionally chose to focus on coffee, but the brewing method is very applicable to tea as well. Once we started exploring the application to tea, temperature became a question that we considered. In terms of prototyping we decided to go with one temperature for now to streamlines the device and makes it easy to use. Although, as we are designing to manufacture, we will definitively be looking into the feasibility of adding that feature. Perhaps turning the knob on the on/off button to select the desired temperature. Do you think this is something that will be useful?
A temperature sensor may add significantly to price. I am intrigued — what is expected price?
Also for anyone using this on the go they better like their coffee black because there is no place to put milk and sugar.
Well, we do have a temperature sensor already integrated since we are targeting the 205 F temperature at which point the heating shut off, next step would be to see if we can integrate the ability to change that based on brew. We will definitively try.
I wouldn’t be interested in it as it is.
-Selecting the correct temperature for various teas is critical to getting a good cup and maximizing the potential for that particular tea. You can ruin an expensive tea with the wrong steeping temperature or time.
-Even if the mug did have the option for variable temperature, it doesn’t look like there is an easy mess free way (as far as I can tell) to remove the steeping basket when the steeping time is done. Steeping your tea for too long, even at the correct temp, can ruin the cup and reaching into a mug of hot water to remove the basket isn’t fun.
-In it’s current state, it looks 3d printed and cheap. I’m guessing that will change with production?
-In general I do like the concept of having a mug that will heat water to make tea on the go, but it needs tea specific refinement.
-Two of the three guys in that video seem super stiff, uncomfortable and look like they are reading from cue cards. Makes it a little hard to connect with them and the product idea.
Thank you Dustin, all valid points. Getting the right temperature is crucial for tea I agree as well as steeping time. As above, we are working on the feature to change temperature based on brew. In terms of the time, you would be able to remove tea/coffee when you think is appropriate.
Removing the tea and grinds will be accomplished by a small hook at the cap by which you would be able to pull it out before drinking. In fact this is something we would recommend to prevent overbrewing.
Yes, currently our prototype does contain some outer shelling that is 3D printed. Of course, that will change as we move towards manufacturing. This is something we are hoping to raise funds for.
Thank you for your feedback! Looking forward more questions/suggestions!
Hey guys, we are now live! Check us out at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jolt-brew-coffee-tea-in-the-palm-of-your-hand-battery#/
As a college student, this would be very handy to have! Especially when spending long hours studying and needing a quick and easy way to get tea and coffee without having to spend lots of money at a coffee shop. However, I do agree with previous posts that it’s not handy for tea without temperature control. I look forward to seeing the finished product!
If there ever is a finished product. They seem to be totally relying on donations to finance their project. If they can’t put a sufficient amount of their own money into it why should I contribute. Fund raising sites like indigogo should not be used to entirely finance a product.
Pledging money for an item with indigogo is basically gambling. You are taking a risk that the product ever comes to market. It may never come to market and you have no way to get your money back in this instance.
It’s obvious that they are not going to reach their goal to raise $80,000 on indigogo. So I am guessing unless they can come up with money of their own those people who backed them are out of luck as far as their money goes.
@AllanK – they have a fixed goal on Indiegogo which means if they don’t reach 80k then the money won’t be taken out.
Also they have a month left so how is it “obvious” they won’t raise that much?
While I don’t know how long an indiegogo campaign lasts they are unlikely to raise $60,000 in a month if they have only raised $20,000 in the first part of the campaign. They are likely to need to find another source for the $60,000. And they apparently need the full $80,000 to begin their initial production. I don’t believe there is any promise of returning people’s money if the product never comes to market. I think those people will just lose their money. With any crowd funding site you sign up for you are taking a risk. What may clearly seem like a really nice idea to some may not have a market in the end. The idea behind this is basically people would no longer need to go to Starbucks and the like. I don’t think this product has a market space replacing the coffee house. It might have a market space somewhere near the coffee house. But I think these people will have to come up with another source of funding to get to $80,000. If everyone thought this was a winning idea they should easily be able to get a bank loan to start their product off. But a bank must not be an option.
@AllenK- so you have a point but if you look at their team page you’ll see they are part of Brookstone Launxh. Which means if they raise their goal or some metric agreed to between them and Brookstone they will effectively have a manufacturing contract with a reputable firm. To me this would almost guarrentee a speedy delivery and a safe sleek product as that’s what Brookstone is known for. Most companies really only use Indiegogo or Kickstarter for market validation purposes ex: Ember they didn’t need any money from crowdsourcing but they launched to get the word out and get some pre sales.
As an engineer – heating water up with a battery is tough so I’m quite surprised and impressed with what they can do and from the FAQ section it’s definitely not talk. Be interesting to see how this product adapts as battery tech improves in the coming year
@AllenK – why are you guessing on the finances of this company? Like Babble said, they are already at like 30% with 27 days left. That’s pretty good from what I have seen in the past.
There is a chance they make it but being on IGG doesn’t mean they “need” the money to get started. As for IGG its a gamble, everyone knows that, but for small companies, getting a business loan on an idea no matter how great it is, isn’t easy. Not sure how you can magically derive their financial situation or why it cares if what Abovidge85 said is true. Checked that out and they are right, in the partner section I see Brookstone verified partner.
Must be doing something right in Brookstone’s eyes. Anyway, I’m going to back it, less of a gamble if they have Brookstone and hopefully they do a better job than HeyJoe. Really wasted my money on that one (though they “did deliver” wth a similar goal).
First, my name is AllanK, not AllenK. I am guessing they don’t have the money for the $80,000 or they wouldn’t be relying on crowd funding. It is my suspicion that most of the people interested in funding them already have. And is Brookstone funding them or just agreeing to sell the product? If Brookstone is just agreeing to sell the product that is not a guarantee of production.
Somehow these people still have 21 days left on their Indigogo campaign. I didn’t know you could extend the time frame on one of these. A month ago they had 27 days left. If they can simply extend the time frame each time they aren’t going to meet their goal maybe this might give them a chance. But they haven’t made much ground in a month.
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