How long to steep rolled green tea
Really new to tea here.
I have some Jasmine Dragon Pearls from Teavana, I really like this tea. I noticed that steeping at the recommended time does not give the rolled leaves enough time to completely unfurl, they are still noticeably round. Should I steep longer or do something different? I have been increasing the recipe by about 1/2 tsp. and it still seems a little weak to me. 175° for about 3 minutes in 8 oz. of water. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
If you want it stronger, you should use a little more leaf.
You’re steeping it for the correct amount of time (although, there really is no “right” steeping time, its all a matter of personal taste). The leaves most likely will not open fully the first infusion. These tea leaves can be infused three or more times, just add 30 seconds to 1 minute onto the infusion time with each subsequent infusion. You may even find that the second and third infusion are more flavorful than the first.
I hope this helps!
Maybe higher water temperature?
Also I agree with LiberTEAS that the second and third infusions are probably more flavorful than the first.
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