Domatcha is really good but I would also recommend checking out Pure Matcha.
Pure matcha also has white, black, and red matchas… all on my shopping list!:)
Domatcha is really awesome. I also like the matcha from Den’s Tea.
Ditto both these suggestions!
- also Lupica (I’ve only had their 100g matcha- it’s not a real big punch of flavor, but it’s better than no matcha and I’ve heard their matcha au lait flavors are good), Harney & Sons, 52teas still has flavored matchas in stock, O-cha, Market Spice Tea, Mae-da En, Teaopia, Art of Tea, Numi, and Upton Tea Imports.
Scratch my suggestion for Lupicia- Urbana’s is only $1 more expensive, but SO much better.
Another flavored matcha suggestion based on the tasting notes of others: Domo. I also haven’t been able to afford Samovar’s matcha, but based on the price I’m hoping it’s worth the recommendation.
thanks for your suggestions. i have not decided let.
Don’t think too long about 52teas flavored matchas- they’re limited edition.
While not all the factors I use to make it such are related to taste (i.e. price), I’ve finally found one I can almost certainly declare as “best” in my book- Urbana Teas & Tonics’ organic ceremonial grade matcha.
i finally ordered some matcha…. I went with DoMatcha… but i will try the other kinds next.
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