Camellia Sinensis is in Montreal
This is where I would go :)
Camellia Sinensis had a booth at the Coffee and Tea Festival NYC and they had a lot of good stuff. I would definitely go there if I was going to Montreal.
Camillia Sinensis is a MUST! Such beautiful tea and tea things. I also love Esprit Thè – get some tea and macarons. Enjoy Montreal – I was surprised to see how serious they are about tea. Lovely city.
I don’t doubt they’re serious about their tea in Montreal. If it wasn’t for a historical accident of the American Revolution we would be a tea drinking nation here. It became unpatriotic to drink tea during the Revolution because tea had to be purchased from the British.
Ming Tao Xuan
D’un Thé a L’autre
Caesar’s Tea
are all on a list a friend made for me a while back but i haven’t made it to any of them yet.
If you like indian food…please check out Le taj heh
And Le Taj was fun for lunch because it was right by campus and had a lunch buffet that we could hit up between classes is a distributor for Betjeman and Barton if you are near one of their locations and want to try one of the harder to obtain in North America French Tea brands.
that’s the company i was trying to think of that’s in montreal! haha
Pax13 is a bit of a drive, but I’d find his house and raid his stash.
Definitely Camellia-Sinensis! I’m hoping to take one of their tea education classes one of these summers…Just bought their Green Tea book at World Tea Expo and hope to review it soon. Kevin, one of the owners, is such a great speaker, tea enthusiast, and just plain good person.
Omigoodness! So many lovely tea possibilities! On it.
Thank you everyone!
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