Which tea is your everyday tea?

32 Replies
aTeastory said

It seems some of you don’t have specific everyday tea.

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Inkling said

I don’t think most tea lovers have just one everyday tea…there are too many lovely options to restrict yourself like that! That being said, a tea that I drink several times a week and would gladly drink on a daily basis is Black Mao Feng from TeaSource. To me, this is pretty much the perfect black tea: smooth and sweet and strong and utterly delicious with nothing added!

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Bridget said

I thought pu’er was high caffeine? I’m very new to pu’er and trying to figure out where it falls in my days :) It’s interesting for sure. Anyway, my go to morning tea is any strong black!! Irish Breakfast, Black Dragon Pearls of Golden Monkey. Irish Breakfast is a staple and affordable I get an organic version loose at Wegmans (supermarket.) I love lighter teas like oolongs and darjeeling after dinner, or a green. Caffeine has no effect on me (3 shots of espresso and I can nap…) Matcha or any greens good mid-day/afternoon. Before bed any good herbal with chamomile I love the sleepy time tea and have been having a hard time finding something comparable loose so I still use the bags. I’m not a fan of straight chamomile I like the blend. Maybe will try blending my own at some point to get away from the bags :)

AllanK said

Some puerh is high caffeine, but some is not, it depends on things like if there are a lot of buds in the tea, it there are large leaves used etc., not just if it’s puerh.

andresito said

Agree, depends on the puerh. Some puerh is high amino acids like theanine and GABA, and will put you to sleep, so don’t drink those too early in the day or if you need to be productive :)

AllanK said

I have yet to find a puerh that has put me to sleep no matter how high in theanine it is.

MrQuackers said

Wouldn’t the puehr have to go through shading before it was high in theanine? So think dark green leaves.

andresito said

Two teas that hit me hard, and everyone I shared them with, which tells me its the tea and not just a personal experience, were Hojo’s 2014 Myanmar Border Wild sheng and YQH 2006 Chawangshu. Give those a try if you haven’t…if you’re looking for “stoner” tea.

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boychik said

Different teas but puerh everyday. its a must ;)))

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Ubacat said

I just got to have a least one cup of green tea every day.

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I drink green tea at work every day at 3pm. My favorite consistent tea is Pear Green Tea from Simpson and Vail. Not too fruity and very smooth & Crisp. I’ll alternate with Pomegranate Acai Yumberry Green Tea once in a while too.

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I’m still exploring, so I don’t drink the same thing every day, but some of the “regulars” I’ve found (that I return to frequently) include Verdant’s Laoshan Black, Whispering Pines’ Art of Darkness, Soleil’s Aged Shou Mei, Adagio’s Thai Chai, and a few others I don’t remember off the top of my head. Probably I should make a list so none of my favorites end up lost at the bottom of the pile or something. I don’t know if I’ll ever end up with just one that I drink daily . . . although before I got into loose leaf teas I mostly alternated between an earl grey and a spiced chai :)

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Tamarindel said

I usually have a go-to breakfast tea, but I tend to change it up every few months. It used to be H&S Paris, then NMTC Ginger, then American Tea Company’s Brioche, and now I think A Quarter to Tea’s Syrupy Pumpkin Pancakes is the new contender.

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MrQuackers said

Long Jing
Japanese Matcha

These three are good enough to have everyday. Even everyday teas need an occaisional day off, though.

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oasis said

I drink a bagged Darjeeling every morning but have started to branch out to loose teas.

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