Decaf and Herbal TTB Round Two - Reopening in the Fall!
Third is a month old now, and we’ve mostly settled back into a routine, so I’m ready to start the next round of this TTB!. Please read all rules and let me know what state you are in when you sign-up.
- This swap will be for all herbal and decaf teas. For those of you sensitive to caffeine, please note that Mate and Gyayusa have quite a bit of caffeine, and Cocoa and Decaf tea contain small amounts of caffeine and may be included in this box.
-This traveling tea box will be US only, unless we have people interested in shipping to and from any other participating countries.
-Sample as many or as few of the teas as you like. If you like a tea, feel free to keep it. Just replace it with an equal amount of tea. When adding to the box, it’s a great idea to take a look at the wish lists of the next few people after you to see if you have anything they’d like to try.
-Follow all participants so that we can PM each other when needed. Ask for the next person’s address as soon as you get the tea box. This ensures that they are still active and available to participate. If you do not get a response from the person after you on the list within 3 days, move on to the next person, making sure to let me and the person you are skipping know they are being skipped. Let me know if something comes up before the box gets to you and I can shuffle you around in the list – ie. if you are going to be out of town when it is your turn to get the box.
-Try not to keep the box for longer than a week or so. Please update the thread when you receive the box and when you are sending it out.
You will be required to pay for postage when you send the box out. Luckily, tea is pretty light weight, so the cost should be somewhere around $5 – $10. If you want to save a trip to the post office you can weigh the package and buy and print a label online or purchase a small or medium prepaid priority box, then schedule a package pickup online.
- Buying a tracking number is appreciated, but not required (it is included with priority shipping if you use that option). Please send the number to me and the next person on the list if you get one.
-Please either send the tea in its original packaging or make sure that it is labeled with the tea name and company. Recommended steeping parameters are also appreciated.
-Please make sure to package teas appropriately so that strongly scented teas do not contaminate the other teas, and so that no teas escape and wander the box while in the mail.
- Please replace the box if it becomes damaged.
- Participants who have not previously participated in a swap or TTB will be included at the end of the list.
If you have any questions, just comment here. There will be 10 sign-up spots for this box. Please include the state that you live in when you sign up.
If anyone is willing to ship to me, I am quite interested but am in Canada. I have a lot of herbal and decaf teas, so I think I would be a good candidate, but the cost of shipping to me might be high.
I hope there’s actually enough interest to run a box, now. If not, I can try again in the fall.
I’m also from Canada, Montreal to be exact and I’m very interested in this swap. I recently had weight loss surgery and have been thrusting myself into the tea world as I’m trying to keep my appetite under control and can no longer drink coffe as caffeine is a bono after this type of surgery, so decaf and Herbalife tea here I am. Anyways am totally interested if someone is willing to ship so am I to anywhere. TIA
Hmm, not much of a response so far
I would be interested in participating again in the fall! But I do too much traveling over the summer to be a reliable person to send a TTB to. :)
I would be open to join in the fall too, if that’s OK. Just in time for the cold weather :]
New york. Ill give it a go.
I didn’t get much interest, so I’m holding off until the fall. Signups will probably be in August or September.
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