Cwyn said

Looking for recommendation for Fu brick

I’ve had some samples of Fu bricks over the past couple of years, and I drank them all up! The best had the most golden flowers, and was a sample from JC here on Steepster. Now I really have a craving…

So I am looking for the most Fu-funky, golden flower encrusted, hair on your chest in the barnyard Fu brick I can find. Help me out guys… :P

6 Replies
elena-z said

Cwyn, while I don’t have any recommendations, I can mail you a 10g Fu sample from Camellia Sinensis (Fu Zhuan 2011) to satisfy your cravings while you are waiting for a whole brick. It has some visible golden flowers.

I just can’t drink that stuff :)

Rasseru said

why? never tried this

elena-z said

Let’s put it this way, it’s not for the faint-hearted :)

Rasseru said

the description on CS sounds like its flammable :D

elena-z said

Well, I don’t think it’s going to kill you, but this is literally not my cup of tea :))

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Cwyn said

Well I’m hoping to get a brick of it started this summer with the humidity. Sometimes when they have been in warehouse storage they can be a bit dry.

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