Reftromutt said

Pu-Erh Tea book for referance

I cannot find anything to help me learn more about Pu-erh, it is very confusing to learn on my own. Does anyone know any good books on the subject?

9 Replies
AllanK said

This little book from Berylleb King Tea is a good introduction to puerh. It is somewhat expensive but it is good on a basic level.

AllanK said

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elena-z said

I’m reading this one currently

It’s written by a Chinese scholar from Yunnan province.

AllanK said

This book is good, more of an exploration of the culture of puerh tea where the other book is more of a guide about the actual tea both sheng and shou.

elena-z said

I see! Thank you.

t-ching said

This has been in my wishlist for awhile!

Paul from White2Tea has a great blog post on this book:

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mrmopar said

Good information in all of them. We have members here that may be able to help you out as well. Just ask we all try to help. We have Vendors stop by here as well with good knowledge.

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Reftromutt said


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