Rasseru said

The alcoholic tea thread


I just made Tie Guan Yin infused vodka, and it worked perfectly first time

I dont know the exact measurements but a shot of this with some fizzy water and you dont really need sugar, its LOVELY!

let us rejoice and fill this thread with alcoholic tea recipes


67 Replies
Rasseru said

Basically a big pinch of TGY, into 135ml jars fill up with vodka, leave a week. booyah

it was cheap stuff and its fruity and fragrant and pretty green coloured

Rasseru said

You cant even really taste the vodka, just (fizzy!) green oolong fruity floralness.

I feel like ive just discovered atlantis or something – it totally sucked out a lot of the flavour and aroma, and while its not exactly the same as TGY tea flavour, it is strong tasting, sweet and lovely, and totally brilliant.

Sara said

That sounds amazing, I really need to try that!

Rasseru said

it worked so well

Yes, sound very nice. I will try.

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Do report back on how these libations turn out. They sound great.

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Rasseru said

showoff :D

ive just re-filled the glass with fizzy water and the 2nd ‘steep’ is also good :P

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Wow! I am really excited for you. I am going to have to try this.

Rasseru said

I must have used about 15g of tgy to 150ml vodka, leave for a week..

This might be too much tgy I don’t know, I just dumped a free sample bag in

I have just guzzled three cocktails. Lovely

Bought a litre of vodka, going to try some more

I am very interested, so please keep posting your results. This is better than making ice cream with tea.

Rasseru said

I know. I’m trying ya shi, mi lan, apricot sheng, aged sheng, shu, others

Oh, apricot sheng vodka! My knees are weak at the thought.

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Brian said

i found jade TGY (not trad roasted) went well with sparkling white wine….

Mmmm. Sounds quite nice.

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Nicole said

I haven’t infused any in alcohol yet, but a nice smoky black (I used 1/2 cup steeped Black Sunshine from A&D) with a shot of bourbon and a bit of honey is pretty tasty. Also combined a shot of citrus vokda with 1/2 cup steeped Reading Nook from Plum Deluxe (lavender, chamomile, rose, vanilla in a black tea) and some muddled raspberries and a tiny bit of sugar syrup and it went over really well at this event I did a couple of weeks ago.

I am going to try these. They sound really good.

Nicole said

I want to try a nice earl grey with some prosecco. Seems like it would pair well.

Yes, that sounds like a good pairing.

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Sara said

Some friends of mine made me vodka with butterscotch black tea infused in it for my birthday one year, it was pretty good! Never tried infusing anything myself but now I’m curious.

I mainly get my sweet tooth out with tea and flavored vodka, and have mixed the two with some success. Peppermint herbal tea takes whipped cream vodka VERY well. Sometimes I’ll add a little chocolate vodka to decaf coconut black tea at night.

Rasseru said

sounds great! :)

Nicole said

That peppermint and cream sounds great. :)

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Rasseru said

Well after last nights complete success, im pretty confident anything forgiving like tie guan yin is going to be a success so I have upped the game a bit -

Jingteashop Lao Cong Ya Shi, which can get oversteeped but wonderful aroma if done right

Misty Peaks 2015 for a young sheng

2006 xiaguan 8673 for an aged sheng

menghai te ji loose leaf for a strong shou

lets see what they will be like in a week. I did exact measurements this time (and used less) so 5g for 135ml

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Mookit said

Wow, neat! I never thought about infusing my teas into anything other than water, to be honest. Gotta try this! Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

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