New to Pu'erh and Bad Experiences with Pu'erh: A Helping Hand

165 Replies

This is such a good idea :) shipping to the UK is ridiculous so I won’t participate, just here for support!

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Woohoo, I just gained over 20 new people to send packages to on Reddit. Maybe ill help expand the Puerh fan base :)

If anyone has cakes they are wanted to get rid of cheap or donate let me know in the next week. I’ll be prepping quite a few bags to go out here shortly.

Should I now aim for 100 this year :p

Frolic select said

Hey, I PMed you a couple of days ago if you’re still taking new people.

I will take on as many as I can this year. I got your message on the 4th. Give me a few days to process the 30+ Reddit people I have and I’ll respond to you with details :)
I have some new stuff in the mail so I’m waiting a little to prepare new packages.

mrmopar said

I will add you some stuff to send out for this.

Frolic select said

Oops, sorry I spaced on when I sent it! I swear it seemed longer. I have no sense of time.

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Oasiskatz said

Hi. I am following you and need to wait for you to accept to send a messsage. I saw your post on Reddit. I hope you have room left. I have never tried Pru’erh and would love a helpful hand to get me into this interesting tea. Thank you.

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SheaShay said

I got my bag today, I was so happy. It coincidentally came on the same day as my Reddit arbitrary day gift, which also included tea, so I’m in heaven right now. Just waiting on the gaiwan I ordered from Ali express, seller says fifteen days and it’s been about a week, so we shall see…

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Newsflash: Andrew Liquid Proust has help coming over on Saturday to package everything up from the left overs in the pu’erh ttb along with breaking of cakes!

If you know of someone who wants to try getting into pu’erh, this is probably one of the best deals around. Flat $5 friend/family or $7 goods for US/Canada

Please ask questions :)

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benthejack said

Hi Liquid Proust,
Would you send to New Zealand if I put in extra for shipping? I’m currently trying to expand my pu-erh knoweledge, I do like pu-erh but never know what to buy since I’ve only tried a few (and have bought several really bad cakes).

I’m excitedly waiting on some samples from EOT and Yunnan sourcing, but want to try as many as possible to get a better understanding of what styles I like :)

Hey Ben,

I’ve already sent to over 10 different countries! Of course I’ll do so. I would just have to see what the shipping is and let you know. We can discuss about it :)

benefit said

Sorry to hijack, Australian tea addict here and would also be interested.

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One of my samples was just labeled as “2007 mao cha.” Do you remember which tea it was/where it was from?

Aliexpess :) do you want a link?

No, but thanks. I was just wondering how to log it. It wasn’t really my jam.

Matu said

There’s a “tea” on this site called Random Steepings that I (and I think many others) use for tea that they can’t identify or that wouldn’t really make sense to have a separate entry for.

Thanks, Matu, that is a good idea.

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benthejack said

Thanks heaps LP! Finally found a few sheng-pu that I like :)

What is this and where can I get more BTW?

I didn’t expect much being a packaged mini cake (I’ve never had good experiences with these so far), but damn it was tasty! Sweet and thick.

That’s a sticky rice sheng :p

Surprised you enjoyed it, many find it odd.

benthejack said

Huh, so is it glued together with sticky rice? Shows my ignorance I guess!

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I am still putting together packages as requested :)

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Lots of good advice. So cool to see this thread that helps people who are new to this tea.

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