Emmett said

Emmett - next Yangqinghao order up for April 3rd

Visit yangqinghao.com for details
If splitting cakes you can ask others here or ask me and I can check with others.
Samples are very limited now. I usually send some samples with an order.

56 Replies
Dr Jim said

I would be interested in splitting a cake or cakes. I’m flexible as to which ones to buy, though I already own some 2005 Chawang and Tsang Liu.

AllanK said

I might be interested in splitting the 2004 Tejipin

Dr Jim said

Tejipin looks good. I’d do that.

AllanK said

I’m expecting a sample of this in the mail, but I don’t know when. I would like to try before I buy this time if possible. If I don’t get the sample in time I would still split this with you,

Dr Jim said

The ideal for me would be to buy 1/4 to 1/3 of 2 or 3 different cakes, but if no one else is interested I’ll split this one with you. I haven’t tried it either, but the reviews are great, and I’ve liked the other ones I’ve tried.

AllanK said

I would not be averse to a three way split if someone else is interested.

AllanK said

we are waiting for the next group purchase on this one.

Dr Jim said

But we’re still looking for someone to share. It’s kind of pricey for even half a cake.

boychik said

you should ask Emmett. maybe he has someone who wants to split Tejipin

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Brian said

ive got to get on this some time soon. i just have no idea of the types of taste profiles of these

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Considering that I haven’t bought anything as a ‘congratulations you got a new job’ for myself yet:I’m looking for a sample or maybe a small split of either
2004 Jinhao Chawang
2004 Dingji Yesheng
… or both :)
edit I will wait until the next buy, but if anyone is interested I would be up to 75g of either or both of the two I listed above.

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Dr Jim said

This may be just a fantasy, but if 20 people were interested in a group buy, we could (as an example) buy the 2004 Tejipin, 2005 Cangliu, 2004 Zhencang Chawang, and 2007 Huangshan Qizhong for $1015 plus postage. For about $53 plus individual shipping of a few bucks everyone gets 25 grams of the first two and 20 of the last two.

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Lumpkin said

well well well

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Emmett said

OK so here’s an update…
. 09 888,and 2010 shenyuntianshen bohetang not available.
The 04 teas are very low stock.
Still has at least two tongs of each…. But price is definitely going up…. Jen Tsang and jinhao lowest stock….. Very limited.
And Mr. Yang confirms again prices will be going up next order….

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Psyck said

I would be interested in a split of say 100g of the 2004 Dingji Yesheng.

boychik said

Me too.

I’ll take 75g if I can pay someone within 60 days. I’m good for it :)

MzPriss said

I for sure want the rest

Psyck said

We seem to have a quorum here. I can increase my share of the split a little if required. Emmett, please pick up a cake of 2004 Dingji Yesheng for us & let us know how much we need to shell out.

MzPriss said

Im good at 225, but I can totally settle for 200 if necessary

Emmett said

Remember you will lose a few grams in the split.. So figure that too. Who is ordering this?

Emmett said

Email me

Psyck said

Emmett – For now the split will be:
MzPriss 225g
Psyck 100g
boychik 100g
Liquid Proust 75g

If Liquid Proust is unable to come up with the payment in time or if no one else picks up that part of the split, I will increase my share from 100g to 175g.

Emmett said

OK since I am splitting it for you, I will figure out the split costs. And let you guys know later today.

Emmett said

Figure 1.20 per gram. So in total it will be $20 extra for splitting… Comes out to $600 total. That will cover my fee. Plus actual shipping which will be covered when I pack. Sound good?

Emmett said

I will need payment for the tea by tonight April 3rd. 9m central us time.
I can hold the 75 for LP if need be.

Oh my… The monies. I really hope that my 4th YQH is actually come back with positive remarks. If not, I will have me a nice swapping piece :)

Emmett said

If you end up not wanting it LP I will gladly keep it for myself.

I have to at least try it. Unless someone else wants to pick up the 75 there and sell me 50ish for $50 :p
I’m fine with the 75, just hoping it’s good

MzPriss said

So we are paypal-ing Emmett our $1.20/gram?

Psyck said

Yes, we paypal Emmett at $1.20/gram before tonight 9PM CDT. After he receives the tea, he will let us know by email the further amount we need to pay for shipment.

boychik – please confirm if you are OK with all this.

If someone prefers a lesser share, I can pick up a little extra…if so let me know here at the earliest; else I will be transferring $120 for 100g later today.

boychik said

Yes. I’m in

Psyck said

Great, we are good to go then.

MzPriss said

He should have my $ by now.

Psyck said

and mine…

boychik said

Paid. Thanks

Dr Jim said

I paid for the 75 gram share that Liquid Proust and I will share.

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Emmett said

Since psyck is international…. Unless one of you want to handle the split and shipping , then just $580….plus shipping.
You don’t have to try it LP, or just get a sample instead…

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Emmett said

Did you not like what you have tried LP?

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Emmett said

Just read your reviews… OK. If you didn’t like the flavors profile of those others you probably won’t like the dingji. Dingji is much stronger than the others..

Stronger in that leather profile?

Emmett said

Yes very strong yiwu, leather, mushrooms, thickness, chi, it’s pure chawangshu, highest elevation guafengzhai and it has more humidity than the others..

MzPriss said

I would pick up the additonal 75 grams if you decide against it LP

Dr Jim said

I’d also be interested if LP decides to drop out. Or could split with LP if he wants to cut his risk/investment.

Psyck said

Hey, I claimed that 75g first :-) j/k, as Dr Jim couldn’t get into the original order, it would be best for him to get a share if LP wants less.

There’s a likelihood that I won’t like it so the two options are: 1, I buy the 75g and then split with Dr Jim another who contacted me, or 2, let Dr Jim take it and bribe him to send me 4 to 5 grams.

Dr Jim said

LP: Your call. If you just want a sample, I’ll send you 5 grams as a “finders fee”. No charge. Or you buy and sell me as much or as little as you want after tasting it. One thing is that my cash flow is better than yours. Perhaps I should pay Emmett and we can figure out later who he mails it to?

@Dr Jim, that works with me. I’m waiting until Midwest Tea Festival to come out of the negative :p I’ll pay you for the tea and shipping

Dr Jim said

OK. I just sent $90 to Emmett. I told him we’d tell him later who to ship it to.

Emmett said

Can you guys please send me your shipping addresses to my email.

Dr Jim said


boychik said


MzPriss said


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