Book and Tea Pairing, Volume 2
Hello everyone. My tea book club is currently working on reading its second book. Last time, some may remember, I came here seeking advice for a pairing and was pleasantly pleased with the response.
This month we are reading After Alice
I have my ideas of what tea I want to pair with this book but I would love to get your opinions. Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions!
Okay, maybe I’ll start. I was thinking this tea might be an obvious choice.
Was hoping to get maybe some not so obvious suggestions from you all.
Well, there’s the Disney Mad Hatter blend, too
Tealeaves has a Mad Hatter Tea party blend but that’s a dangerous road to go down. They are not cheap and they are seriously awesome.
Maybe a flowering display tea? Twisted Green from Beautiful Taiwan?Jabberwocky from Whispering Pines? Earl of Time from Quarter to Tea? A rose or other floral herbal blend?
Interesting book choice. :)
+1 for WP’s Jabberwocky
Though, I also like the idea of a flowering/bloom tea; perhaps something with rose? I will point out that while the Disney teas are a good match thematically, they’re not super high quality teas themselves. Not to say they’re bad; but I’d call them average at best.
Jabberwocky was actually my second idea! I had the thought, “Jabberwocky would be great… and I should probably make another Whispering Pines order soon…” Love the way you are thinking.
And yeah, I agree about the quality of the Disney teas. Which is really why I wanted more suggestions because I knew you all would be able to get me to higher quality suggestions that still fit thematically.
What a fantastic idea! Maybe try a tea with rosepetals for any chapter with a romantic scene???
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