Tea Perfume

My love of tea even stretches to my choice in perfume! I wear L’Occitane’s Bergamot Tea. One of the things I really love about it is that it’s not just citrusy, but actually has a nice black tea note! I’ve seen a few perfumes lately that include tea. Do any of you use them? Do you have any recommendations of others to try?

39 Replies

I haven’t with perfume but have with CANDLES!!! I have Green Tea, Mango & Sage Tea, and Green Tea w/ Lemongrass = LOVE THEM!

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Mmmmm! I love candles too!! I have to keep my eye out for tea scented ones! Do you have a favorite brand?

I sell candles – I resell them from Truly Scented Candles! They are HIGHLY scented and Shannon (the owner) is awesome!

Thanks!! I will def check it out :)

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Alannah said

Bathed and Infused has a bunch of tea scents, but I’ve only tried a few… I love their bergamot note! They’re a great company (and local to me—Colorado) & I highly recommend them!

Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab also makes a few blends with tea notes, but they add a lot of other things so the tea is usually just in the background.

I’m curious about the scent you mentioned—it’s hard to find a scent with a good BLACK tea note. I’ll have to look for that one! I’m scent-obsessed. :)

I’ll check out Bathed and Infused. I once ordered from Black Phoenix and it took so long and the customer service was so…confused…that I’m not willing to go through that again, even though the scents are nice.

Whilst hunting I found this:


and CB – I hate perfume has a few with tea notes like Russian Caravan tea and Lavender tea and Tea/Rose. They all look so intriguing.

Alannah said

Yeah, I know BPAL is kind of hit or miss (although I haven’t had any problems for years with orders/customer service). I’m addicted so it’s worth the wait to me!

B&I is normally very fast but they just had a big sale so they might be a little behind in turnaround times. They do offer sample “paddles” (a piece of paper with the scent on it sealed in a plastic wrapper) if you don’t want to commit to a product before you smell anything!

I have the Tea for Two scent from B&I (it’s a “dupe” of the one you linked to) and it’s one of my faves, but the tea note doesn’t stand out. It’s a great spicy/cinnamon scent with a bit of sweetness mixed in. Great for winter!

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Cofftea said

I just got green tea and aloe body mist by Nutrius and I LOVE it.

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I do not shop at Anthropologie (the owners contribute to right wing causes and their clothing isn’t well made and is very expensive) but I thought I’d put this out there as another example of innovative tea perfumes being made. They sound exquisite (esp Taverns & the Hague!). I’ll have to research the perfumers to see if they offer any tea inspired scents elsewhere.


Hamarikyu Gardens by Marypierre: green tea-inspired, featuring sweetened lemon and bergamot zest, verbena and the softest amber (FRESH)
1856 Darjeeling by Adriana Medina: touches of cardamom, mint, fresh jasmine and cedarwood highlight this yellow tea blend (FLORAL)
Cape Of Good Hope by Claude Dir:a steeped blend of red tea leaves and lemon, gardenia petals and musk (FLORAL)
5 O’Clock At Belvoir Castle by Stephen Nilsen: crisp bergamot and heady jasmine, sandalwood and damp moss (SPICE)
Silk Road Caravan by Stephen Nilsen: white tea buds and fresh apricot paired with peony and vanilla (FRUIT)
Taverns & The Hague by Caroline Sabas: exotic Oolong spiked with mandarin and lemon zest, violet leaves and rich musk (FRESH)

Alannah said

Ooh, those sound really interesting. I’m definitely intrigued!

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fcmonroe said

Demeter Earl Grey is nice. Philosophy had a tea perfume a while back and I liked it, but I’m not sure whether or not they still make it.

And I’ll recommend good old Elizabeth Arden green tea.

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Alicia said

L’Artisan perfumer makes a very lovely Tea for Two. A nice comfort scent. You can find loads of reviews online. I’m a huge fan of Now smell This & the Parfume Posse blogs. They can point you in the right direction for anything…

I love L’Artisan’s stuff. I’ll have to look for this one next time I’m in the market.

Alannah said

Bathed & Infused does a “dupe” of that scent, which I love (I’ve never smelled the original)!

Alicia said

Oolang Infini by atelier Cologne is another one I tried just this week. Interesting. I cannot say if it was this one or Bois Bolnd that reminded me of Chanel’s Coromandel though.

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I’d totally go for a chick that smelled like oolong.

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Stephanie said

Possets Perfumes has a tea-inspired scent called “High Tea” that sounds very nice. I tried a sample of it once—I remember it being like a lemony, creamy, black tea:

“High Tea was rousted out of retirement by popular demand in 2007. A very true to tea blend it has the wonderful characteristic of being warming in the winter and cooling in the summer. Infused with lemon, sugar, milk, and that indescribable scent of the best starched linens, High Tea is your antidote to vulgarity. Always right for the moment and universally admired. This is tea at its most Possety.

Characteristics: unisex. refreshing, tea, sweet, cooling, summer scent, warming winter scent, foody, gourmand"

I did try that one, but I thought it smelled like powdered lemon iced tea mix (!!!) I was so sad. They had another one, something like Witches Tea Party and that smelled like cherry powdered iced tea mix. I was so sad.

Stephanie said

Oh no! Powdered ice tea mix? Ick. :(

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AJ said

The other day I came across an incense section of my local dollar store that carried among them, green tea incense and bergamot incense (as well as opium and cannabis, I was greatly amused). No ‘bergamot tea’, I’m afraid, which would have been much nicer.

I wouldn’t mind an earl grey cologne myself. I remember coming across a page online detailing how to make your own green tea perfume, and was thinking of attempting to adapt it for black tea.

Cofftea said

How to make your own? Where did you see it?

AJ said

I googled it some while ago. It’s quite simple. Merely make a VERY strong tea (and seriously oversteep it—like, leave the leaves in there and let it sit overnight). Mix it with some vodka, and add a few drops of green tea scented oil. Which is apparently quite easy to find. The only problem I’d see with attempting to adapt it to non-green teas is that it’s GREEN tea oil that’s easy to find (although I’m sure the perfume would be fine without the oil, just not as strong, I figure).

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