hey ho! dream teas!
ive recently ordered both mugwort and calea zacetechichi, to help induce vivid/lucid dreams, i just want to see how orif they work for me. i will brew “tea” out of both.. though i hear dreaded things about calea z regarding taste. anyone try either of these and know any good ways to brew them?
ive been taking vit b6 lately and have been having some pretty scary dreams/moments in dreams where im startled awake.. i kinda love it. any oneironauts here?
Interesting you should ask. I downloaded a Kindle book on lucid dreaming. No lucid dreams so far. Been working on remembering my dreams first so been keeping a dream diary. Never heard of those teas inducing lucid dreams. Lucid dreams only come about when you know you’re dreaming so how would a herbal tea help?
I do occasionally have dreams when I take control and change the outcome when I don’t like the way the dream has turned out. I don’t know if that’s really a lucid dream though.
well im no expert but when you start to take control i think your close to the realization that you’re dreaming. many people first discover lucid dreaming when trying to change the situation in a nightmare.
as for the herbs, i dont know the properties that help induce lucid dreams/ increase vividness. but i can always be the test rat and report back.
Well, I’d like to hear how your experiments go. I googled teas and lucid dreaming. Valerian came up and I take that quite frequently as a sleep aid. I thought it would interfere with dreaming since it’s a bit of a sedative but I guess not. My dreams have been more vivid once I’ve made the effort to remember them.
I’ve never heard of tea inducing dreams either. Now Vitamin B6 is supposed to give you more vivid dreams and I can attest to that. Ever since I started taking a multivitamin w/ B-complex, my dreams have been much more vivid, colorful, and I can recall them better.
^ nice, ive started taking vit b-6 and ive actually had some pretty startling dreams.
so remember its not true tea, its a herb you can brew like tea.. and yea, i keep hearing good things, mainly about calea z. if you’re both a avid tea drinker and curious oneironaut, you may want to check these out at some point.
I’ve had some short spells of lucid dreams in the past. I’ve never bothered to record or track dreams, or actively try for lucid dreams though.
I use an android app called ‘sleep for android’. It has a bunch of cool features, most of which I’ve not bothered to explore yet. I primarily use it to wake me up at the completion of a sleep cycle when I’m in the light sleep nearly awake REM stage, so that I wake up fresh every time, as compared to a fixed time alarm which may ring when you are in deep sleep making you wake up all groggy.
The reason I mention this app is that it has a lucid dream setting among its plethora of options…
Also, waking up at the end of your sleep cycle will make it likely that you will wake up remembering your dreams fresh & clear everyday…
when I do a search on Google Play store I don’t find that. Would it be “Sleep as Android”?
Yeah sorry, it is “Sleep as Android”, it is the first result that shows up when you search for the word sleep in Google Play.
How exactly does the app know when you are at the end of your sleep cycle to wake you up? I would think that varies.
All smart phones / tablets have a ton of sensors that such apps can use. Detection of sleep phase is the easier part, primarily with the accelerometer sensor. Just try it and you will see that the graph it produces of your sleep during the night is pretty accurate. You can easily test it by lying calmly on your back with the tablet next to you and then moving around or getting out of bed to see how the graph changes. It is recommended to sleep in complete darkness and with wi-fi off on all devices in your bedroom.
From the wiki:
“Sleep phase alarm clocks use accelerometric sensors to detect movement of a sleeper, so that it can wake the person when he/she is not in REM phase, in order to awaken the person more easily.”
Unfortunately I have a problem with the complete darkness part. The cable modem for my internet, tv, and phone are in my bedroom. There are blue leds that I cannot shut off.
I used to practice this a lot – and sometimes with a meditation while trying to stay concious I can be awake when I fall into a dream. Havent done it for a while though.
I do occasionally lucid dream where I can control myself. I love it when that happens. :)
You know, whenever I had the East India Company Chakra Balancing tea before bed, I’d have vivid dreams. I can’t remember which tea it was but it’s the one I reviewed.
This is a very interesting subject!
Cheese always gives me odd dreams. Tyramine & Tryptophan does it. And other things that affect my serotonin give me weird dreams.
It looks like the tea is called Chakra – Life Force but wouldn’t know where it’s purchased. Do you remember where you bought it Madam Oolong?
I bought it at East India Company in London. What a lovely tea shop. I know that ginger was in it, I can assure you!
i got my mugwort and calea z and both didnt seem to affect my dreams… so far vit b-6 and melatonin have had the best results.
Just out of curiosity, where did you get such exotic herbs? The closest retailer I know for herbs is www.svtea.com and they don’t have either of them.
yes i should clarify, in terms of vivid dreams. i may work for others.. there are enough positive reports to assume it works for some people. i shall try it again by smoking it maybe.
just a warning for anyone thinking of trying to brew calea z- it tastes like death in your face, and the bitterness lingers and all you want to do is brush your teeth and go hide under a rock and die… but if it works, it works..
With insomnia I am usually more concerned about actually sleeping. Worrying about lucid dreaming just seems like a luxury.
You should also try Tagetes Lucida (Mexican marigold), my experience was quite good, deep dreams. Prepare for a little hangover the next morning.
Also, they say Silene Undulata (African Dream root) has interesting effects.
i may try those. my brother just brought home valerian root.. which might be good for you allank as it is supposed to be a sleepaid
I frequently take Valerian root tablets as a sleep aid. It is helpful with insomnia. Doesn’t do anything for my dreams though. I also bought the actual root but I find you have to boil it to get the effect. It is hard and dense and doesn’t steep well. The capsules are much better for insomnia.
i have a bit of trouble getting to sleep too (i drink tea right before bed tho..) and hope for this to help some. i smelled a capsule and it was putrid, do you get that from yours?
Valerian has one of the nastiest tastes in tea if you drink the tea. The capsules taste bad too if you let them stay on your tongue. I stop drinking caffeinated tea around four pm. Late tea will keep me up for sure. If you drink non herbal right before bed this could cause you problems sleeping. I have peppermint in the evenings.
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