Does anyone know a private shipping company: X-Press Freight Forwarder Inc.?
I have a package about 7 pounds (lb), and will ship it from Michigan, USA, to Madrid, Spain. I just received a shipping quote from X-Press Freight Forwarder Inc., a private shipping company. The shipping cost is $1020, and they only accept Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer. My customer will pay for the shipping cost, but she only works with this shipping company.
I never worked with this kind of shipping company before. Is the shipping cost reasonable? And is it safe for using Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer?
I do need someone give me ideas. Thank you so much~!
Sanne Tea
We deliver 100% natural Taiwanese teas directly from local farmers.
I wouldn’t ship till the payment has cleared.
7lbs to Spain and $1020.00 shipping, sorry but I think RED FLAG!!!
I think you should get a FedEx international post and you should NEVER pay with a money order or Money transfer. Once you pay that way there is NO way to recoup your money if it is a scam. I would say that you could ship FedEx to the customer at a cheaper rate saving them money and they would say no. I think they are trying to get your money.
I had a similar experience a while back from someone buying a car from me. The bank locked me from my account till I threatened to close every account I had with them.
Yes, XPRESS FREIGHT SERVICES INC. is real, but I just can’t find the X-Press Freight “FORWARDER” Inc…They ship products in secret…I think. :P
That amount of money would be reasonable if the weight was 7000lbs, not 7 lbs. Sounds like a scam to me too. And I agree with Mr Mopar about not paying with a money order or money transfer. If they don’t accept PayPal or credit cards they are probably trying to scam you.
Luckily, I haven’t done anything, not even charged her credit card. One thing really weird, her billing address for the credit card is in Indiana state, so close to Michigan!
I actually can drive to there and back for less $100 gasoline. (gas is cheap right now. :P)
I can drive from Columbus to Michigan and fly to Barcelona for $800 to $900 round trip. I’d gladly hand deliver this for you for the amount of $899
My customer should pay for the shipping, so that will be my delivery/ relaxing trip~ :p
Hi I also got email from the same person from spain. So did you found out if it was a scam or not.
I would like to know because I have a small business but i dnt want to loose money to a scam. Thanks
i think so too but just wanted to confirm. its just sad that one moment your are happy that you have a huge order but then second moment its just fraud order. :( Thanks for the reply.
I think there is no possibility that this is not some sort of scam. It doesn’t cost over $1000 to ship a package to Spain by any reputable shipping company.
I feel your order from Spain was from the same person. It is sad, but it is very likely a scam. I told her that my website security service takes long to process money order, and she asked me what my processor is. It was very weird that any customer wants to know the processor of the company.
I didn’t answer her after that. Last week, I received an email asking about the scam. It seems that the same person still keeps trying on other companies.
Thank you all so much for posting this! I too just got an email from them. Exactly the same email Sannetea posted a few comments below. I had a weird feeling about this “order” when I got the first email, figured they may be related to my Nigerian Prince Uncle, lol. It is quite sad they’re taking advantage of small businesses. Thank you all so much for taking the time to post on this discussion! You have really saved me from making a costly mistake.
I’ll copy and paste the other emails I received from them, in case anyone else looking to see if they are getting scammed finds this discussion.
If you have been paid the obscene amount of money the shipper was charging in the earlier post and it’s not a situation where the customer can get there money back, you may have to go with it and see if this shipping company actually picks up the order. Maybe they are less the scam and more a company that simply charges obscene amounts of money that no one in their right mind would pay. And this buyer if she is willing to use such a company is clearly not in her right mind. Like I said this is presuming the customer cannot just falsely claim to never have received the goods and get her money back. If that is the situation, like Mr Mopar said go with FedEx or DHL. They will have reliable tracking to Europe.
I think you can request a signature on the delivery. Have you checked to see if the money you sent has cleared to you BEFORE shipping it out.
If she can simply claim not to have received the product all the more reason to go with FedEx or DHL. They will have tracking to prove she received the product and you can set it up so she has to sign for the package. If she can potentially ask for her money back claiming to have not received the goods I would not ship by this dodgy shipping company.
Since FedEx or DHL will be noticeably cheaper than this bogus company how can she refuse if it isn’t a scam. Yes FedEx and DHL are expensive carriers but the one in this thread had obscene prices and if it is real is the worst deal in the shipping industry.
I would at this point tell her she either accepts FedEx shipping or she doesn’t get the product and she doesn’t get a full refund.
I agree with AllanK.
You may tell her that you only work with reliable shipping companies, like FedEx or DHL, to avoid any misdelivery. If not, you can’t complete the order and will refund her the amount of payment after deducted the supplies costs.
We received the same thing about a week ago. We sell skin care products and the email Schuyler sent us to place his order follows verbatim what Verdant Botanicals posted about 4 hours ago… to ship through XPRESSFREIGHTFINC@GMAIL.COM etc etc. Seems like a scam sad to say
I am glad that I shared my experience and I can’t believe that so many companies have been scammed in few weeks.
I got a similar email, as Verdant Botanicals posted. The buyer uses a yahoo email address, and the shipping company has a gmail address. Everything is very weird.
Thanks for your reply back with the total quote of my order,I really appreciate you getting back to me.I have been experienced lots of difficulties when it comes to receiving shipment to my address here in The Spain. We’re located in a very remote area of the city, which cause us a lot of hindrance in receiving shipment in the past. I want you to contact my shipper which i use every time i purchase order worldwide via the below e-mail address about my order XPRESSFREIGHTFINC@GMAIL.COM with the weight and dimension inclusive the value for insurance quoting my customer ID#DMH6212988_MD. They will deliver the shipment to
me door to door,their cost will include the custom clearance and handling cost with my order. They will come pick my order up at your location when the shipment is ready. I will need you to obtain a quote and tell them that i want to Insure the package and I will like you to get back to me with overall cost of the items with the details from my shipper.
I doubt there is any part of Spain that a package originated by the USPS and carried on by the Spanish Postal Service can’t deliver to. Even if there are parts of Spain where UPS doesn’t deliver there is no way it costs $1020 to deliver a 7 lb package to any part of Spain.
I actually checked the address via Google map. The street view showed me an apartment near downtown Madrid. There is no way that USPS can’t deliver.
I know they are targeting so many small companies. Even today i got email from the fake shipping company :
Dear Client,
Thanks for your mail, We really appreciate your patronage, We haven’t hear back from you regarding Mrs Schuyler Bedge Shipment, So you still wants to proceed with it so we can sign the remaining papers, or we should cancel this request. Kindly reply as soon as possible.
Looking forward to be of more service to you.
:( I have stopped replying .
They use different names but same trick: big order, fake shipping company and forgery credit card. It seems to me that the skeptical Spanish buyer is a scam for sure.
They want your money. If you had gone through and spent your money they would have had a bunch of pocket change to spend.
Someone’s already mentioned it, but I’m going to bring up again that the company’s using gmail. That is a HUUUUGE red flag. Any legitimate company would be using their own domain-email, and if they don’t have the money to afford that, then I don’t really expect them to be able to transport a package across countries. The chances that’s legit are next to none.
I have come across legitimate companies that don’t use their own email so this in itself is not too much of a red flag. The red flag is the cost of $1020 and not accepting PayPal or Visa.
A web search for X Press Freight Forwarder Inc turns up a domestic trucking company apparently based in Florida.
It is tricking. The Xpress Freight Services is in FL, but X-Press Freight FORWARDER Inc.(a bogus company) is in Carolina, Puerto Rico.
Check this
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