Blends Created by our very own Steepsters!

If you have created a blend let us know here! And/Or directly link to the site where it’s posted if you can.

5 Replies
Cofftea said

could we merge w/ this thread?

It’s not for the same thing. The thread I created was asking how people did their blending at home. This thread is for blends people here have created that we can buy – such as Adagio’s.

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LutherC said

What a great thread! I mainly blend with herbs, or use tea to make other beverages.

*Add slice of fresh ginger root or a few peppermint leaves after a big meal or to settle the tummy.
*Add a ginger or licorice Altoid to add a bit of sweetness and a little bite.
*An extra helping of chamomile to my Sleepytime.
*A bit of sage to add a natural sweetness to “help the medicine go down” in a medicinal herb tea.
*I use a strong brewed chilled chai in the place of milk when making vanilla milkshakes. Awesome!
*I add a shot of Sambuca to my jasmine tea to make a perfect after dinner drink.

I look forward to hearing how others get creative with their tea stashes:-) I don’t blend styles of Camellia sinensis very often, but would love to hear how others do, and I look forward to trying them.

Thanks for the Awesome Thread!!

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Cofftea said

I’m gonna be flavoring matcha, check out my experiments either on my tasting notes or the flavored matcha thread, I’ll write a short summary there.

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Cofftea said

Has anyone used

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