Amazon listing is really effective for increasing sell?
Selling products on Amazon is really good idea to increase total sell?
I feel like Amazon really works for small companies that feel they aren’t getting alot of traffic through their own site, or are too small to host their own website. It also reaches a wider audience than you might by going through tea forums. At the same time I almost never buy tea on Amazon because you don’t know how long that tea might have been sitting in a warehouse in what conditions, I feel like can trust small tea companies to at least look like they know what they are doing and have a high enough turnover that the tea probably wasn’t packaged 5+ years ago.
I also feel though that the key to a sell through Amazon is a good descriptor and good reviews, but even then, I tend to shop on Amazon quantity>quality>price, whereas from a trusted tea shop I shop quality>price>quantity. It really depends on the type of shopper you’re trying to target.
Hoped this helped!
The issue I would run into for smaller companies is shipping cost… maybe I spoiled myself with my shopping habits, but I’ll look elsewhere when shipping is a factor which is why I’m working on it on my end with LPT.
I’m unsure if the teleportation machine will cost more in the longer run than shipping individual packages… still doing the math on it; unfortunately I don’t know how long I’ll live so I cannot compute the years of usage out of the machine.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. Just check once and give suggestions for weather we go for or not. Our aim is to increase total online sell by coming year.
I don’t know much about selling on amazon or not, but I did look through your selection of herbal teas, and would recommend that you list the ingredients more clearly. I’m pregnant and need to avoid some herbs right now, so that’s the first thing I look at when ordering tea. Needing to read through a paragraph of text, and not always being certain that all ingredients have been listed makes me more reluctant to buy.
You might also want to add your teas to the Steepster database, especially since your site doesn’t allow us to download the pictures so we can add them. Once a few people on steepster review your teas, more people will be aware of them. On that note, I tend to be most likely to buy from a company that has a sample size of between one cup’s worth and 1 oz. I keep quite a few different teas in my cupboard, so it can be difficult to use 4 oz in a reasonable amount of time unless it’s a tea I really like. Looking at your other teas, I see that some do have a sample size. I would consider buying if your herbals did as well, especially since you have a rose herbal. They can be difficult to find.
Thanks a lot once again for your all reviews. We will definitely work on some of them for coming year
I would ask Frank, Southern Boy Iced Tea.
He had posted his teas on Amazon but I no longer can locate them so there might be some rewarding information to be found through him.
Our main concern is there are so many companies already selling their teas on Amazon. Traffic on amazon is obviously much higher than any other website so confused now.
A good example of a company I bought from on Amazon was Simpson and Vail. I had no idea about their company but I trusted that if the item was not shipped I would get my money back from Amazon. I now buy from the Simpson and Vail website several times per year but I bought from them first on Amazon.
It’s a mixed bag. Selling on Amazon usually means making a smaller profit on sales. I have discovered one new to me tea company that way though (Music City Tea in Nashville).
I think a better bet might be to invest in upgrading your website and stepping up your social media game. There’s lots of tea lovers out there looking for tea and teaware but you’ll need to stand out from the crowd of online retailers in order to catch their attention.
Always use Amazon, it is free to post and you don’t pay fees unless you sell something. Use it to drive traffic to your website. Also use EBay to drive traffic to your website.
Selling online often means use multiple strategies. Also, have more than one business. If one site is down in sales, the other might be doing well.
This. Use Amazon to drive traffic to your website! That’s usually how I tea shop if I do end up on Amazon. I find a tea there, and then go to make my purchase at the seller’s actual website. Usually I can find a lot more information about the company on their website than on amazon, and 9 times out of 10 the company’s website is easier to navigate/look at other teas than Amazon. :)
As someone who tea blogs and gets asked for recommendations often, a common one for the USA crowd is good teas they can get on Amazon. Amazon has free shipping, people got gift certificates there and they trust giving Amazon their credit card info more than an unknown shop website. As a blogger I like reviewing amazon teas, I get good traffic for my blog from those people.
Same time, you still gotta social media plug to get people to find you, amazon isn’t going to do all the work for you.
I’m a jewelry designer who’s venture is in it’s infancy and am trying to learn/work the social media thing too. It seems like a Facebook page, Instagram and Tumbler are important presences to have. I haven’t figured out Snapchat in relations to reaching potential customers. I found it helpful on Instagram to look at postings from other companies I found my products to be on par with and see what general hashtags they were all using when posting pictures so I could reach the same audience and be more effective with my posts. So for tea it might be general terms like #tea, #teadrinker, #tealover, #chai, ect. Creating your own hashtag tag that you put on all your posts like #imperialteacourt is important too, so people can tag or find you.
I’m not actually on instagram yet, but don’t hashtags really only work for twitter?
Like, I’ve always noticed that a lot of Facebook users use them, but they have no real function on Facebook and just using key words with no hashtag symbol is better.
Hashtags don’t have much of a function on Facebook but they are extremely important on Instagram. Even emoticons are hashtags there :)
I mainly use Amazon to buy products made by international companies that don’t ship to the US.
There are sometimes issues with fakes (not just with tea) all around because of how the Amazon warehouse works, though. My understanding is that there’s no real effort to cut down on fakes because the company is just way too big for that. So legit items and fakes are all stored together in the same bin and whatever you get is kinda blind luck. I don’t buy anything there or on eBay that seems too good to be true.
they do work on facebook though
No, I don’t think they do work any differently from just using a keyword. You don’t need the hashtag symbol to find anything, and it doesn’t really help the way it does on twitter. If they do, then that’s something new.
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