Tea Ratings Feature Question
Dear Overlords or anyone else who can help:
I have two teas in my tea ratings that I know for a fact I’ve never tried. For the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get them out of my ratings list. Both of them say I’ve logged them “0” times, which is also perplexing. I thought perhaps I could remove them through the tea page, but when I go to the tea pages for the teas they represent, there’s nothing to remove. I remember trying to remove the one for the Tealux tea (I’ve never had a Tealux tea) before, and I only succeeded in rating a tea I haven’t tried. LOL I can change my rating, but I can’t seem to zero it out.
I’m probably missing something really obvious and will smack my head against my desk when I find out what I’m doing wrong.
Okay, I was messing around trying to make it work. If I “drink a tea” and it brings up the review screen, I am able to reset the rating, and it takes the rating off on the tea page. Not sure if it removes it from the ratings list, but you could reset it that way then delete the empty note if you want.
Does that do it?
Thanks for your help! When you “drink,” which button or link are you hitting and from which screen? I have tried going onto the tea page and clicking review, which brings up a new screen and not a former one. Also the rating can be changed on the tea page but I can’t figure out how to get it to zero if it has already been rated. From the ratings page, I only have options to click to change rating, or to hit the “logged x times” link which just takes me to the tea page, or the name or picture of the tea which also takes me to the tea page.
ETA: Never mind, I figured out what you meant. I went to new note and reset the bar. That got rid of the rating, but it put a new note in my log. I then deleted the note and it looks like it worked. I did the same thing with the other one and it also seems to have worked… I think. If so, yay!
ETA: Oops, I spoke too soon. The rating is gone, but the teas are back in the tea ratings list as logged 0 times. Sigh.
Sorry, yes, I meant ‘review a tea’ from the tea page. Forgot how it was worded. That brings the popup (although it’s not technically a popup – the background goes dark and there’s a box so I can write a review and I have to save, cancel, or delete the tasting note to get rid of it). Then I can hit reset just above the rating scale, just to the right of “How would you rate this tea?” and it takes the number away. Save just in case, then I delete the note from my log because the whole point was just to remove the number.
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