Yixing Gaiwan,,,question
I got an Yixing Gaiwan yesterday and am wondering if these are like the teapots and that I can only steep one type of tea in it. It was a gift and I hate to try to send it back or exchange it because the person that gave it to me did so as a surprise after I broke my other one.
If it doesn’t have any finish, then yep. I believe there are some yixing pots and gaiwans with glaze, but it should be pretty easy to tell.
it feels rough inside and out so I’m assuming no finish. I also know its cheap…only 10 bucks, but that doesn’t concern me. Thus pweson knows nothing about tea and had no clue when she ordered it.
Yixing clay gets seasoned based on the tea it is used for; pouring the rinse over it will help develop a uniform patina while simultaneously warming it for the gong fu session. It is common to use one pot for each type of tea, like raw pu erh, ripe pu erh, roasted oolong, etc. However it is not mandatory to do so; people switch the type of tea they brew in a particular yixing pot and it gets seasoned with the new tea. Hence, while you may wish to dedicate one expensive clay pot to one tea type, you can play around with an entry level pot using different kinds of teas. It is a good idea to also drink the same tea in a porcelain gaiwan for comparison.
I feel like OP has yixing from a previous thread, but can’t remember. I’m guessing his concern is that he needed a relpacement for a porcelain gaiwan but someone (thoughtfully!) got a yixing gaiwan instead. If finances allow, I would just acquire another gaiwan and also dedicate the yixing one to something delicious. :)
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