Davids Tea: Canada vs. USA site
This may be a silly question. I went to the Davids Tea Site an I assumed I was on the USA site because that’s what it used to default to. I was so happy to find their Cinnaberry blend. Upon checkout I was informed of a $25 cross border fee and that I should “switch sites”. When I did, I no longer could find Cinnaberry. Help!
Ya, welcome to the new DT website. :( Canadian and USA sites differ in inventory.
I got nailed with that $25 fee with my last order and swore I didn’t notice it until the paypal went through days later. I didn’t even know I was on the wrong site, the currency was correct and I went through one of their emails ads.
I got them to reverse the charges when I called them. I’d try and call and see if they can figure it out for you. But yeah totally sucks.
I had the same thing happen but was able to have them cancel the order immediately. I got a lecture about using the USA site so whatever. It is too easy to NOT notice you’re on the Canadian site.
i get a pop up every single time i visit that asks if i want us or canada… and then obviously for canada i have to pick my language. Wonder what i’m doing differently?
I’m in the US and the same thing happens for me every time. Just checked and it’s still working now. Not sure why others aren’t getting the pop-up.
No pop up for me. I wonder if I could get some Cinnaberry if I call them. Thanks guys I thought I was going nuts!
I must have been automatically directed to the Canadian site too because I found Cinnaberry.
That’s a terrible system. In Canada they give us choice, and in US they force you to Canada. I mean, you’re welcome to join us over here but since that puts you on the more expensive site they should probably fix it!
I ended up spending $100 USD because I built a cart on the Canada site which had a larger selection and the prices were all in CAD which made me quite happy. I know for a fact that the prices are cheaper on the Canadian site and could screenshot it… but whatever.
Heck no. I switched to the USA site and was like, “dangit this cost more”
I just couldn’t justify paying the $25 shipping. The Canadian site has a better Rainbow Tin collection too :( , I want them all… I’ll wait until they go to the US site
CAD is a joke right now, so they gouge people who pay in USD, it seems. I picked a tea (Santa’s Secret, I think) and did a comparison down to the price per gram and it was way more expensive on the US site. I didn’t have the time or energy to do it again though. I’m guessing most teas are more expensive on the US site. That said, shipping from here is outrageous as well so unless you paid 10-20 in shipping, they are factoring that cost into the tea. EDIT: I see you said it would have been $25 shipping. Sadly, that price is probably about what it would cost to send.
Please anyone can I order from David’s tea site as i so want to make a big order but ime from UK is there anyway I can order from them please
Aww thankuou Allan for replying that’s such a shame cos ime so longing to find a site like that n want to buy from it but in UK we have nothing here much at all with flavours that David’s teas have
While I do not think they are as good as David’s Tea, Teavana ships to the UK and they have a lot of flavored blends. Some are quite good. I have drank many of their teas and I find they are fairly good at flavored white teas and flavored herbals as well as rooibos.
One of my favorite sites, Simpson and Vail offers a fair amount of flavored blends and they apparently ship to the UK but I couldn’t tell you what the cost is. Their website is www.svtea.com.
If you haven’t already, you might also want to try Bluebird Tea Co. They are out of the UK and have lots of interesting flavored blends.
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